Лучшие магазины подарков в России в 2022 году

Каждый год мы выбираем лучшие интернет-магазины подарков по всему миру.

Мы отобрали более 5000 магазинов в 18 категориях почти в 50 странах. В процессе отбора мы придирчиво проверили всех претендентов на соответствие  нашим критериям. Одним из основных требований было появление в топе результатов поиска Google в соответствующей стране и категории. Также магазин должен иметь местное представительство и актуальный интернет-магазин, предлагающий услуги доставки. Наконец, важно, чтобы у магазина был адрес электронной почты или контактная форма, чтобы покупатели могли отслеживать свои обращения, заказы и предъявлять претензии.

Разумеется, наша команда не может охватить все достойные магазины, поэтому мы всегда открыты для новых предложений. Это означает, что магазин, который изначально не был выбран нами, может подать заявку на включение в наш топ-лист, если он соответствует всем перечисленным выше требованиям, путем приобретения членства Premium или Golden (нажмите здесь, чтобы получить более подробную информацию). Поскольку Gala10.com хочет включать магазины самых разных размеров, от транснациональных компаний до небольших стартапов, мы делаем исключение по первому требованию (появление в верхних строчках выдачи Google) для новых магазинов и бутиков, если наша команда считает, что магазин соответствует остальным требованиям. Таким образом, мы гарантируем, что включаем магазины разного масштаба, давая возможность и новичкам предлагать свои услуги и продвигать свой бренд.

Интернет-магазины стали гораздо более актуальными в результате пандемии COVID-19. Согласно исследованию Nasdaq, к 2040 году 95% всех покупок будут совершаться онлайн. Количество интернет-магазинов стремительно растет по всему миру. В России же объем-онлайн торговли в 2020 году вырос на 58,5%. Аналитики предсказывают, что российский рынок  ecommerce продолжит расти —  по прогнозам, в 2021 году он увеличится на 34%.

Цель  Gala10.com — помочь вам сэкономить время при поиске подарка. Мы выполнили нашу главную задачу — выбрать лучшие интернет-магазины, чтобы максимально упростить ваши поиски. В этом году мы составили новый, актуальный список. Мы ознакомились с условиями и правилами возврата, а также совершили пробные покупки в тысячах интернет-магазинов, чтобы выбрать лучших из лучших для наших пользователей.

Итак, премия премия достается….

Из всех магазинов, представленных на нашем сайте, мы выбрали номер один в каждой категории. Как происходил отбор? Мы обращали пристальное внимание на услуги  магазинов: чем больше удобных сервисов предлагает магазин, тем выше его рейтинг. Наши фавориты — магазины с услугами по доставке и упаковке подарков, возможностью сделать заказ из-за границы, выбрать удобное время и день доставки, добавить к подарку поздравительную открытку и т.п.

Итак, встречайте: лучшие онлайн-магазины подарков в России в 2022 году.

Книги: Labirint.ru

Labirint.ru — компания, которая была основана в 1991 году. Изначально она специализировалась на оптовой книжной торговле, спустя четыре года открылось одноименное издательство, а в 2005  году — сеть фирменных магазинов «Книжный Лабиринт» и интернет-магазин «Лабиринт». В онлайн-магазине можно приобрести подарочный сертификат, оформить заказ из-за границы, а также международную доставку. При заказе на сумму от 1500 рублей доставка по России бесплатная.

Конфеты: Confael.ru

Confael.ru — частная фабрика шоколадных подарков, основанная Ириной Эльдархановой в 2001 году в подмосковном Красногорске. Сегодня это лидер на российском рынке шоколадных сувениров премиум класса. Одно из наиболее популярных направлений фабрики — специальные коллекции подарков, приуроченных к различным праздникам. Ассортимент — практически на любой вкус:  более 5 000 наименований, в том числе около 200 видов конфет ручной работы. В рецептурах «Конфаэль» применяются технологии, защищенные тридцатью патентами. В интернет-магазине вы можете собрать собственный вариант подарка, выбрать подпись и подарочную упаковку для покупки. Возможен заказ из-за границы и экспресс доставка. При заказе от 1000 рублей бесплатная доставка по России.

Сигары: Cigara24.ru  

Cigara24.ru предлагает широкий ассортимент брендовых сигар различных стран. Здесь можно найти не только известные сигары, но интересные новинки. Также в магазине большой выбор всевозможных аксессуаров для сигар, такие как  зажигалки, гильотины, ножницы, пепельницы, футляры и другие полезные атрибуты. В магазине возможен заказ из-за границы, действует экспресс-доставка, а также бесплатная доставка при заказе на сумму свыше 5000 рублей.

Одежда/мода: Zarina.ru

Zarina.ruинтернет-магазин одного из первых российских брендов одежды, основанного 27 лет назад. Лицом Zarina является популярная актриса Равшана Куркова. Управляет брендом компания Melon Fashion Group, крупнейший российский ритейлер модной одежды. Магазин выпускает подарочные сертификаты — надежный способ не ошибиться с размером или стилем, если вы хотите порадовать модной новинкой друзей или близких. Вы можете сделать заказ из-за границы, выбрать день и время доставки и воспользоваться экспресс-доставкой. При заказе от 2000 рублей доставка будет бесплатной.

Электроника: Mvideo.ru

Mvideo.ru — один из пионеров онлайн-ритейла в России: его первый интернет-магазин был запущен в 2001 году. Сама же торговая сеть была основана в 1993 году Александром Тынкованом, его братом Михаилом Тынкованом и Павлом Бреевым, открывшими первый магазин электроники в Москве. В онлайн-магазине вы найдете несколько десятков тысяч наименований аудио-, видео- и цифровой техники, мелкой и крупной бытовой техники, медиатоваров, а также аксессуаров. Вы можете выбрать удобную для вас дату и время доставки, которая будет бесплатной при заказе от 2000 рублей. Также магазин гарантирует возврат денег в случае неисправности товара.

Цветы: Sendflowers.ru

Sendflowers.ru — международная сеть доставки цветов. Компания основана в 1996 году, а интернет-магазин открылся в 1999-м. Компания работает в 1100 городах России и 195 странах мира, и география доставки постоянно расширяется благодаря партнерству с новыми флористическими салонами. В онлайн-магазине представлен широкий ассортимент цветов и цветочных композиций, которые вы также можете дополнить аксессуарами — поздравительной открыткой, шейными платками и палантинами, сумками, мягкими игрушками, картинами, парфюмерией и косметикой.  Вы можете сделать заказ из-за границы, оформить международную доставку, выбрать время и дату доставки, а также получить фото доставки. При заказе от 3000 рублей доставка будет бесплатной.

Дом и хобби: Tddomovoy.ru

Tddomovoy.ruинтернет-магазин сети магазинов «Домовой», основанной в Санкт-Петербурге в 2005 году. Сегодня компания объединяет 11 магазинов в Санкт-Петербурге, 5 в Москве и 17 торговых залов в разных городах России. В интернет-магазине с удобной и логичной навигацией можно купить посуду, текстиль, декор, предметы для ремонта, садовую мебель и аксессуары для дачи. Здесь есть отдел корпоративных клиентов, поэтому вы можете оформить покупку от имени компании, если это необходимо. Также «Домовой» предлагает подарочную карту, заказ из-за границы, возможность выбрать дату и время доставки и бесплатную доставку на сумму свыше 5000 рублей.

Ювелирные изделия: Saharokstore.ru

Saharokstore.ruмагазин дизайнерских украшений и ювелирный бренд, основанный в 2014 году. Интернет-магазин открылся в 2015 году. «Сахарок» предлагает разнообразный и гармоничный ассортимент самых разных стилей: минимализм, модернизм, крупные украшения сложных форм с натуральными камнями. В центре коллекции магазина — лаконичные украшения из серебра. В «Сахарке» есть отдел корпоративных клиентов, так что вы можете заказать подарки для сотрудников или партнеров. К любой покупке можно добавить подарочную упаковку. Доступна услуга доставки, а также есть возможность приобрести подарочный сертификат.

Макияж/красота: Letu.ru

Letu.ru крупнейший в России парфюмерно-косметический интернет-магазин. Компания «Л’Этуаль» была основана в 1997 году в Москве. Сегодня сеть насчитывает 1000 магазинов по всей стране и имеет собственный бренд косметических средств и модных аксессуаров. С 2008 по 2013 год лицом марки была знаменитая французская актриса Патрисия Каас. Запущенный в 2007 году Letu.ru в настоящий момент является крупнейшим в России парфюмерно-косметическим интернет-магазином. Здесь вы найдете широкий выбор мировых брендов разной ценовой категории, сможете сделать заказ из-за границы и выбрать время и день доставки, которая будет бесплатной. Если не уверены, что подарить, — к вашим услугам электронные подарочные сертификаты на различные суммы.

Интернет-магазин: Citylink.ru

Citylink.ru был запущен в декабре 2008 года. Месяцем позже открылся физический магазин компании. В онлайн-магазине представлено более 50 000 наименований бытовой техники, цифровой электроники и других товаров — от офисной мебели до автомобильных аксессуаров. Citylink.ru — дискаунтер, а это значит, что большинство товаров здесь можно приобрести дешевле, чем у конкурентов. В магазине работает отдел корпоративных клиентов, есть возможность оформления подарочного сертификата, доступен выбор времени и дня доставки, а также экспресс-доставка. При необходимости вы можете оплатить товары в рассрочку.

Парфюмерия: Iledebeaute.ru

Iledebeaute.ruонлайн-магазин одноименного российского парфюмерно-косметического ритейлера, доставляющий товары в любую точку России. Сеть «Иль Де Ботэ» была основана в 2001 году и сегодня насчитывает 96 магазинов с обширным ассортиментом ведущих мировых марок парфюмерии, декоративной косметики и уходовых средств. В онлайн-магазине вы без труда найдете любимые ароматы и актуальные парфюмерные новинки — если отслеживать акции, то товары можно приобрести по весьма выгодной цене. Добавьте к этому бесплатную доставку, возможность рассрочки и заказа из-за границы, а также удобную навигацию по сайту.

Домашние животные: Unizoo.ru

Unizoo.ru основан в 2005 году. Этот сайтпредлагает самый большой ассортимент товаров для домашних питомцев — более 35 000 наименований. В онлайн-магазине удобная пользовательская навигация и хорошая скидочно-бонусная программа. Помимо каталога, вы найдете на сайте  блог с полезными статьями о питании и воспитании домашних животных.  Вы можете выбрать удобный день и время доставки. При заказе от 999 рублей для городов с пунктами самовывоза будет бесплатной. В другие города бесплатной доставка будет при заказе от 4999 рублей. Онлайн-магазин гарантирует возврат денег в случае, если товар окажется ненадлежащего качества.

Спорт: Proball.ru

Proball.ru работает на рынке с 2006 года. В онлайн-магазине вы найдете спортивную одежду, аксессуары для фитнеса, спортивный инвентарь ведущих мировых марок. Регулярно появляются новинки и устраиваются распродажи для тех, кто предпочитает приобретать товары со скидками. Доставка осуществляется по всей России. В случае брака магазин гарантирует возврат денег или обмен товара. В Proball.ruдоступен заказ из-за-границы, есть возможность выбрать день и время доставки, работает отдел для корпоративных клиентов.

Тематические парки и аквапарки: More-on.ru

More-on.ru —  крупнейший центр водных развлечений в Восточной Европе, основанный в Москве в 2015 году. На территории парка 26 бассейнов, 11 водных горок и три десятка бань и саун разных народов мира. Также здесь есть детский городок, фитнес-центр, несколько кафе и ресторанов. Все это к вашим услугам, если вы просто хотите приятно и с пользой провести выходные или же отметить праздник, например, день рождения. Здесь множество развлечений для детей и расслабляющих спа-процедур для взрослых. На сайте аквапарка доступна предварительная покупка билета, действительного в течение всего дня с 10:00 до 22:00. Для этого необходимо предоставить местный номер телефона и электронную почту, на которую придет электронный билет.

Дети: Toy.ru

Toy.ru интернет-магазин розничной сети игрушек, основанной Алисой Лобановой и насчитывающей 107 магазинов по всей стране. В 2021 году компания получила премию Retailer of the Year Russia в номинации «Лучший интернет-магазин России». В ассортименте онлайн-магазина — такие бренды, как L.O.L. Surprise, LEGO, Bey Blade, NERF, Barbie, Enchantimals, Hot Wheels, Hatchimals, Zapf Creation и многие другие. В Toy.ruвозможен заказ из-за границы. Вы можете выбрать удобную дату и время доставки (она будет бесплатной при заказе от 3000 рублей), а также заказать экспресс-доставку. Удобная опция — подарочный сертификат, что  исключает покупку подарка, который не понравится вашему адресату. Магазин гарантирует возврат денег в случае, если товар окажется ненадлежащего качества.

Часы: 3-15.ru

3-15.ru — сеть часовых магазинов, основанная в 1998 году. Она включает в себя 11 магазинов по всей России и онлайн-площадку. В интернет-магазине представлено более 8000 моделей мужских и женских часов и аксессуаров мировых брендов. При покупке ко всем часам прилагается сертификат официального  дистрибьютора в России. Если вы не уверены в выборе,  можете заказать курьерскую доставку двух моделей и оплатить после примерки. При заказе от 3500 рублей доставка будет бесплатной. Онлайн-магазин регулярно проводит акции, так что у вас есть возможность приобрести часы со значительной скидкой. Также вы можете купить подарочный сертификат для друзей и близких. Коме того, 3-15.ru предлагает рассрочку и гарантирует возврат денег в случае фабричного брака или неисправности.

Las mejores tiendas de regalo en España en 2022

Cada año elegimos las mejores tiendas de regalo en el mundo para ti.

Más de 5’000 tiendas, 19 categorías diferentes de entre casi 50 países en el mundo han sido las elegidas. Las tiendas seleccionadas siguen un proceso riguroso en el que tienen que cumplir un mínimo de requisitos para ser consideradas, de entre ellos, el más importante es aparecer las primeras en el buscador de Google por país y categoría, respectivamente. También debe ser una tienda con presencia local y contar con opción de compra online y servicio de envío. Por último, pero no menos importante, la tienda debe contar con una dirección de e-mail (además de un formulario de contacto si posee) para facilitar el seguimiento de solicitudes y reclamaciones.

Naturalmente, como es imposible que nuestro equipo pueda capturar cada una de las potenciales tiendas sobre la tierra, siempre estamos abiertos a recibir nuevas candidaturas. Esto significa que, aunque una tienda no haya sido seleccionada originalmente por nuestro equipo, ésta puede solicitar aparecer en nuestra selección siempre que la tienda cumpla con todos los requisitos mencionados anteriormente y adquiriendo una cuenta Premium o Golden por un precio razonable (haga click aquí para más información). Como nuestro objetivo en Gala10.com es incluir una gran variedad de tiendas (desde multinacionales hasta pequeñas tiendas o “boutiques”) para nuevas o pequeñas tiendas y boutiques hacemos una excepción en nuestra primera regla (aparecer las primeras en los resultados de búsqueda en Google) si nuestro equipo considera que la tienda cumple con el resto de los requisitos. De esta manera, nos aseguramos de que incluimos todo tipo de tiendas y tamaños y damos una oportunidad a las recién llegadas a ofrecer sus servicios y promocionar su nueva marca.

Comercio online en España

De acuerdo con diferentes informes y estudios sobre comercio y economía en España, no es ninguna sorpresa que el comercio online o, más conocido como, E-commerce sea una de las tendencias que más esté a la orden del día. El alto desarrollo y progresión de las nuevas tecnologías hace que cada día más españoles se sientan atraídos a comprar por internet. Algunas estadísticas representan datos en el comercio electrónico como la exponencial subida del 34% en 2020 con respecto al año anterior y, en su mayor medida, debido al confinamiento por el virus Covid-19. Otros estudios, como el elaborado por Astound Commerce, sugieren que en España se llegará a alcanzar los 45.000 millones de euros en ventas online durante el 2022 y que más del 80% de los españoles comprará por internet en algún momento del año. Así, también se señala que entre los productos preferidos prevalecen la ropa y material de deporte (32,3%), ocio y cultura (28,6%) y enseres para el hogar (24,3%).

Tanto el número de tiendas como de clientes que compran online está creciendo a pasos agigantados. Por esta razón, en Gala10.com nuestra mayor misión es seleccionar las mejores tiendas online para hacer más fácil la búsqueda de regalos. Y eso es lo que hemos hecho este año de nuevo. Hemos revisado términos y condiciones, políticas de devoluciones y testados productos en miles de tiendas online para sólo seleccionar la “creme de la creme” para nuestros usuarios. Nuestro objetivo, ahorrarte tiempo cuando busques el regalo perfecto.

Y los ganadores son...

Adicionalmente a nuestro regular proceso de selección, esta vez hemos ido un paso más allá, ya que en esta selección queríamos elegir la tienda Nr.1 en cada una de las 19 categorías que manejamos. En esta lista nos hemos enfocado en los servicios ofrecidos por las tiendas. Cuántas más comodidades ofrezca la tienda, mejor valoración tendrá. Nosotros preferimos tiendas que tengan una sección dedicada a ideas para regalos y servicios extras para hacer el regalo perfecto, como que envuelvan el regalo, se pueda añadir una tarjeta personalizada o la posibilidad de elegir la fecha de envío.

Finalmente, aquí está, abróchate el cinturón y ponte cómodo porque aquí viene la mejor selección de tiendas de regalo en España en 2021 por categoría.

Libros:  Papeleriarte.com

Papeleriarte.com nace en 1991 como un negocio familiar. Tienen más de 30 años de experiencia y ofrecen una gran variedad de productos y servicios, desde libros y papelería hasta manualidades y puzles, perfectos para una ocasión especial ya que te envuelven el regalo. Realizan envíos a todo el mundo y cuentan con varios métodos de pago.

Regalos personalizados: Regalooriginal.com

Regalooriginal.com se creó para ofrecer los regalos más originales e inusuales del mercado. Esta empresa, fundada en 2002, se dedica a inventar sus propios regalos o a hacer el regalo de ensueño de muchos clientes ya que muchos compartieron sus ideas con ellos. Son tan originales que, ¡hasta ofrecen llevarte el desayuno a domicilio! Cada regalo va envuelto y protegido adecuadamente para que llegue en perfectas condiciones y es que, además, los envoltorios también son originales. Puedes elegir el día y hora de envío y añadir de forma gratuita una nota personalizada.

Chocolate:  Cacaosampaka.com

Cacaosampaka.com lleva haciendo realidad el sueño de muchos chocolateros desde el año 2000. Esta chocolatería nació con un objetivo muy claro, popularizar el chocolate y romper con el concepto de chocolatería tradicional. No sólo ofrece el regalo perfecto para el amante del chocolate sino toda una experiencia con hasta el último detalle sumamente cuidado en tienda. Ofrecen un amplio abanico de opciones, desde tabletas, bombones, regalos personalizados, catas y talleres de empresa. Tienen gamas de chocolate para todo tipo de gustos y siempre se esfuerzan en innovar recetas, desde sabores clásicos como bombones de licores hasta chocolate con queso, anchoas, o aceite de oliva. Además, puedes elegir el día de envío y añadir una nota personalizada.

Ropa y complementos: Urmoda.es

Urmoda.es es una tienda online de moda y ropa multimarca diseñada especialmente para mujeres. Sólo trabajan con materiales y marcas de reconocimiento mundial, como Only, Sense o Vero moda. Ofrecen un gran catálogo de ropa, complementos y artículos de temporada, además de muchísimas facilidades de compra, como una alta velocidad de envío de entre 24 y 72 horas o cambios y devoluciones gratuitas en los siguientes 30 días a la fecha de compra. Con un alto compromiso de atención al cliente, en Ur Moda puedes encontrar el regalo perfecto, envolverlo y añadir una nota personalizada.

Electrónica: Fnac.es

Fnac.es es una marca de nivel internacional que llegó a España hace 27 años, su primera tienda abrió sus puertas en diciembre de 1993 y se ha convertido desde entonces en un gran referente para una altísima variedad de servicios. Fnac es un sitio de encuentro donde convergen la tecnología con la cultura y el comercio. Desde servicios de programación y electrónica, hasta libros, música, cine y utensilios para el hogar y cuidado personal. Sin duda, una tienda para encontrar el regalo idóneo para cualquier ocasión y personalizarlo con una nota dedicada y un bonito papel de regalo.

Flores: Floraqueen.es

Floraqueen.es es el lugar donde las flores cobran vida. Está formada por diferentes equipos de especialistas para que tus flores lleguen a su destino en perfectas condiciones. El proceso incluye desde su cultivo y selección hasta su traslado, preparación y arreglos. Cuentan con flores para cada ocasión y servicios para empresas y floristas. Un regalo ideal para sacar la sonrisa más radiante a ese alguien tan especial, y si está envuelto e incluye una tarjeta de dedicatoria, ¡mucho mejor!.

Cestas de regalo: Fashionfruit.es

Fashionfruit.es se fundó en 1997 con el objetivo de marcar la diferencia en el mundo de los regalos únicos. No sólo escogen cuidadosamente fruta de calidad, natural y saludable, sino que su secreto se basa en crear la cesta de fruta perfecta para expresar un único sentimiento de afecto. Su misión es dejar el mejor recuerdo y para ello cuidan hasta el último detalle; y son expertos en mensajes de agradecimiento, amor, felicidad y gratitud. Con Fashion Fruit, calidad, un envío rápido y en el mejor envoltorio, está garantizado.

Hogar: Casaviva.es

Casaviva.es forma parte de una cadena de tiendas que ofrecen todo tipo de productos para el hogar, desde artículos de menaje, utensilios de cocina, accesorios de baño y productos de decoración hasta sillas y mesas de comedor, sofás y muebles de terraza y jardín. Es una empresa que cuenta con más de 65 años de experiencia en la que actualmente más de 200 personas trabajan cada día para ofrecerte una gama amplia de diseños y productos para que te sientas como en casa. Por ello, para ellos es muy importante que el envío sea exactamente el día que lo necesitas, y si es para alguien especial, añaden una tarjeta de regalo muy especial.

Joyas: Tabitajewels.com

Tabitajewels.com es el resultado de la unión de dos amigas, madres y mujeres emprendedoras. Después de una larga y exitosa trayectoria profesional, Beatriz Rodriguez y Silvia Perotti se juntaron para hacer de algo tan especial como una joya, una fuente de inspiración. Sus experiencias, viajes y la vivencia de diferentes culturas son la base de creación de su trabajo, pensado para la mujer de hoy. En sus colecciones podrás encontrar algo para cada ocasión sin perder una pizca de estilo, encanto o tendencia. En Tabita podrás encontrar el regalo perfecto, envuelto con arte y añadir una tarjeta personalizada que exprese esa alegría de vivir.

Belleza & Maquillaje: Belletica.com

Belletica.com ofrece toda una gama de productos para el cuidado personal y la belleza al alcance un click. Es una tienda online que trabaja con grandes y reconocidas marcas y productos naturales. Si, además, buscas creatividad, su sección de productos y maquillajes Disney te va a sorprender muchísimo. Son cuidadosos, rápidos en los envíos, y para regalos ofrecen la opción de incluir una tarjeta personalizada y un bonito envoltorio.

Centro comercial online: Amazon.es

Amazon.es es el portal líder de compras por internet. Reconocido en todo el mundo y número 1 en ventas, en su website encontrarás cualquier cosa que se te pase por la mente, desde hogar, tecnología, ropa y accesorios hasta libros, entretenimiento y juguetes. En Amazon se esfuerzan cada día por dar la mejor atención al cliente y hacer de cada compra una experiencia mejor. Si buscas un regalo, Amazon te lo pone fácil, puedes pedir que te lo envuelvan, personalizarlo con una tarjeta y elegir su fecha de entrega.

Perfumes: Sephora.es

Sephora.es lleva presente en Estados Unidos desde 1998 y actualmente es una de las cadenas de distribución más grandes en Europa. No sólo ofrecen todo tipo de productos para hacer de tu cuidado personal y momento de ponerte guapa toda una experiencia si no que tienen una sección totalmente dedicada para ayudarte a elegir el regalo perfecto, con la opción buscador de regalos, personalización de regalos, elección de envoltorios y tarjetas, y la posibilidad de elegir el lugar y fecha de envío, te lo ponen muy fácil para acertar con la persona a la que quieres sorprender.

Mascotas: Mascoteros.com

Mascoteros.com lleva creciendo como empresa dedicada al bienestar animal desde el año 2008. Actualmente, su marca es un reconocido referente en el mundo de los animales, constituido como tienda, asociación sin ánimo de lucro para la protección animal bajo el nombre Mascoteros Solidarios y en el sector veterinario. Tienen alta presencia en medios de comunicación como en la emisora de radio Onda Cero con el programa ” Como el perro y el gato”, presentado por Carlos Rodríguez. En Mascoteros tienes productos de cuidado, higiene y alimentación para varios tipos de animales, desde perros y gatos hasta caballos. Ideal para encontrar el regalo perfecto para el más peludo de la casa.

Deportes: Deporvillage.com

Deporvillage.com y su equipo lo tienen todo pensado para los más amantes del deporte. Tanto es así que su lema lo indica “somos deportistas y trabajamos para deportistas”. Trabajan con grandes marcas a unos precios de mercado muy competitivos y están especializados en ciclismo, running y outdoor, aunque también encontrarás sorprendentes productos para triatlón, natación y fitness. Ofrecen varios métodos de pago y opciones de envío además de la bonita posibilidad de envolver el regalo para el más deportista.

Parques temáticos y de agua: Aqua-tropic.com

Aqua-tropic.com no te va a defraudar si eres más de regalar experiencias inolvidables. Es un parque acuático que lleva abierto más de 20 años y ofrece a sus clientes pasar un día muy divertido y refrescante. Tiene una superficie de 35.000 metros cuadrados en la que se encuentran varias atracciones de agua, zonas de restauración y abundantes zonas verdes con posibilidad de pic-nic. Un regalo para disfrutar en familia, con amigos y los más peques.

Regalos para los más pequeños: Toysrus.es

Toysrus.es fue creada por Charles Lazarus con tan solo 25 años cuando decidió hacer su sueño de la infancia realidad y convirtiendo así el local de bicicletas de su padre en una tienda de mobiliario de bebé. Con los años, las ideas para juguetes fueron creciendo y se expandió a nivel internacional, llegando a España en 1991.

Toy”R”Us es la tienda de ensueño de cada niño y niña, teniendo a su disposición juguetes emblemáticos de marcas como Playmobil, Disney o Lego, y ofreciendo los juguetes ideales por tramo de edad. El regalo perfecto para ilusionar a los más pequeños, perfectamente envuelto y con posibilidad de añadir tarjeta personalizada.

Relojes: Planetarelojes.com

Planetarelojes.com nace en el año 2013 con el objetivo de convertirse en un referente controlando el tiempo. Desde entonces, varias marcas de la categoría de Maserati, Jaguar, Lotus, Viceroy o Guess se han unido a la misión. En Planeta Relojes garantía, autenticidad y un gran servicio al cliente van de la mano. Además, si no encuentras el reloj de tus sueños en su catálogo, puedes ponerte en contacto y te ayudan a encontrarlo. Todos sus productos son enviados con mimo, cuidado, el mejor envoltorio y con opción de añadir una tarjeta personalizada.

Vinos: Lavinia.es

Lavinia.es tiene un catálogo con más de 4500 vinos, champagnes y destilados que provienen de diferentes lugares en el mundo. Tal es su pasión y conocimiento que se ofrecen a ayudar a elegir el vino idóneo para cada ocasión. Tienen gamas para aficionados, principiantes y expertos y cuentan con locales donde puedes disfrutar, compartir y encontrar el vino ideal para ti o para esa persona tan especial a la que quieres sorprender. También te lo ponen fácil para regalar, añadiendo un sofisticado envoltorio y tarjetita personalizada.

Migliori Negozi per Regali del 2022

Ogni anno selezioniamo i migliori negozi di articoli da regalo online in tutto il mondo.

Dopo un’accurata selezione di oltre 5.000 negozi in 18 categorie di 50 paesi, il nostro metodo consiste nell’individuare i requisiti minimi che i negozi devono soddisfare per entrare in classifica. I fondamentali criteri sono (oltre a comparire tra i primi risultati di ricerca Google nel rispettivo paese e categoria), che che il negozio fisico abbia un e-commerce online funzionante e che offra un servizio di spedizione. È importante anche che disponga di una sezione di assistenza clienti, e di un indirizzo e-mail a cui rivolgersi in caso di richieste/reclami. In più, quasi tutti i siti che troverete in quest’articolo offrono la garanzia “soddisfatti o rimborsati” ed alcuni offrono la spedizione gratuita.

Tuttavia, dato che il mondo del web è immenso e sarebbe impossibile riuscire a racchiudere tutti i migliori negozi in assoluto, siamo sempre aperti alle novità: un negozio non originariamente selezionato può richiedere di apparire nella nostra selezione se possiede tutti i requisiti sopraelencati, magari acquistando un abbonamento Premium o Golden a un prezzo ragionevole (clicca qui per saperne di più). Noi di Gala10.com facciamo attenzione ad includere negozi di varie dimensioni, dalle multinazionali alle piccole boutique: per i nuovi negozi è prevista un’eccezione, non sarà indispensabile essere indicizzati nei primi risultati di Google, ovviamente, sempre se la nostra squadra ritiene che le boutique soddisfino i restanti requisiti. Il nostro approccio inclusivo garantisce la possibilità anche ai nuovi arrivati di essere presi in considerazione per promuovere il loro marchio.

I negozi online, a seguito della pandemia, hanno riscosso molto più successo, Secondo il report di Salesforce, l’e-commerce in Italia è cresciuto del 78%, posizionandosi al quarto posto tra i paesi con il maggior aumento percentuale; meglio soltanto: Canada, Olanda e Regno Unito. Ecco perché Gala10.com ha compiuto il suo più grande obiettivo: selezionare i migliori negozi online per facilitare la ricerca di regali. Abbiamo letto per i nostri utenti i termini, le condizioni e le politiche di restituzione, abbiamo fatto prove d’acquisto in migliaia di shop online per selezionare solo il meglio per voi, al fine di farvi risparmiare tempo nella ricerca dei regali.

E il Premio va a…

Oltre al processo già descritto, abbiamo fatto un ulteriore passo avanti per questa selezione, al fine di scegliere il negozio numero 1 in ognuna delle 18 categorie. In questo elenco ci siamo soffermati sui servizi offerti dai negozi. Abbiamo preferito negozi con una sezione dedicata con idee regalo e servizi convenienti per un regalo perfetto, come confezioni regalo, biglietti di auguri o la possibilità di fissare un giorno di consegna.

Quindi mettiti comodo e preparati alla nostra selezione dei migliori negozi di articoli da regalo online in Italia nel 2022 per categoria.

Regali personalizzati: Olallà.it

Olallà.it, da un’idea di Laura Cogo e Marco Petranzan, è da loro definito un “e-commerce con il cuore”. Dopo un anno di studio e definizione dell’idea, nel 2015 apre ufficialmente i battenti Olallà, che vede la collaborazione di artigiani e creativi, tutto interamente made in Italy. Il cliente è pienamente soddisfatto con la possibilità di poter ordinare da qualunque parte del mondo, aggiungendo anche una confezione regalo e, volendo, con un piccolo sovrapprezzo un biglietto di auguri personalizzato. C’è inoltre uno spazio dedicato ai clienti aziendali e la possibilità di caricare il proprio logo sul prodotto.

Libri: Libraccio.it

Libraccio.it nasce dalla prima libreria italiana, omonima, aperta nel 1979 a Milano. Ad oggi, rappresenta la più grande catena di libri usati in Italia. I fondatori di Libraccio, Pietro Fiechter, Tiziano Ticozzelli, Silvio Parodi e Edoardo Scioscia si occupano di riunire varie librerie sparse per l’Italia, molto diverse tra loro. Con lo spazio dedicato ai clienti aziendali, la possibilità di aggiungere una confezione regalo e un biglietto di auguri gratuito, Libraccio si guadagna il primo posto nella sua categoria. C’è anche la possibilità di ordinare dall’estero, d’impostare il giorno di consegna e la spedizione gratuita per ordini superiori a 30 euro; la garanzia soddisfatti o rimborsati vi accompagna in tutti i vostri acquisti.

Cioccolatini: Chocolateshop.it

Chocolateshop.it è il frutto dell’intento di creare il primo e-commerce plurimarche italiano dedicato al cioccolato: vi si trova una selezione delle migliori marche per ogni esigenza. Da un’esperienza che dura dal 1939, sono presenti anche prodotti bio, senza zuccheri e idonei per celiaci. I prodotti sono personalizzabili al massimo, aggiungendo un biglietto di auguri gratuito; è possibile ordinare anche dall’estero e la consegna espressa è gratuita per ordini superiori a 70 euro. È contemplato anche il pagamento alla consegna e la garanzia soddisfatti o rimborsati vi accompagna in tutti i vostri acquisti.

Abbigliamento/Moda: Zalando.it

Zalando.it nasce in Germania nel 2008 grazie a Robert Gentz e David Schneider e sbarca in Italia nel 2013. Inizialmente si occupa di vendita di scarpe, poi espande il suo raggio d’azione arrivando a fornire persino una sezione di abbigliamento di seconda mano. È una multinazionale di commercio elettronico quotata in borsa, e come tale offre numerosi servizi al cliente, come la possibilità di richiedere carte regalo, la consegna gratuita per ordini superiori a 30 euro e la spedizione espressa. Il reso è gratuito grazie ad un sistema innovativo di “prima provi-poi paghi”: è anche possibile il pagamento alla consegna. Se non siete ancora soddisfatti, sappiate che potrete essere rimborsati!

Elettronica: Unieuro.it

Unieuro.it nasce dalla famiglia Silvestrini, che nel 1958 apre il primo punto vendita, e che da allora ha ininterrottamente favorito l’espansione del marchio, fino ad arrivare all’e-commerce nel 2001 e allo sbarco alla Borsa di Milano, nel 2017. Ad oggi è definito il leader di mercato in termini di ricavo e servizi: la garanzia soddisfatti o rimborsati fornisce un’importante base per acquistare, anche con carta regalo, tenendo a mente la spedizione gratuita per ordini superiori a 50 euro e il servizio di ritiro.

Fiori: Florachic

Con Florachic la felicità è garantita: un gruppo di giovani si offre di rendere possibile consegnare fiori freschi di campo, appena colti e senza intermediari in meno di 3 giorni. La migliore qualità al miglior prezzo, dunque, con fiori di altissima qualità. La spedizione è gratuita, velocissima e si può decidere il giorno e l’orario di consegna: il prodotto arriva a casa in sole 24 ore, all’orario deciso dal cliente. Altro elemento da risaltare, il rispetto per l’ambiente: tutti i materiali utilizzati da Florachic sono riciclabili, il prodotto è estremamente personalizzabile e c’è la possibilità di aggiungere un biglietto di auguri.

Cesti regalo: Eataly

Eataly ha festeggiato quest’anno il suo quattordicesimo compleanno, dopo oltre 5 anni di ricerca di aziende e brand aventi come valori chiave l’attenzione per la qualità, per la sostenibilità ambientale ed economica, per la responsabilità e la condivisione. Dopo il primo negozio inaugurato nel 2007 a Torino, conta ora oltre 40 punti vendita in tutto il mondo: Dubai, Istanbul, New York, San Paolo, Chicago, Seul, Los Angeles, Tokyo e Mosca sono solo alcune delle città in cui è presente. I servizi offerti sono molti: la possibilità di aggiungere la confezione regalo, un biglietto di auguri, si può ordinare dall’estero e usufruire della spedizione internazionale. Il reso è gratuito e la garanzia soddisfatti o rimborsati accompagna tutti i vostri acquisti, che da 70 euro in poi giovano della spedizione gratuita. È presente anche un ufficio per clienti aziendali.

Casa e hobby: Mobilclick.it

Mobilclick.it con la sua esperienza di oltre trent’anni nel mondo della produzione e della vendita di arredamento, si aggiudica il primo posto nella nostra classifica per la sua categoria. Oggi Mobilclick rappresenta un’importante punto di riferimento per privati e aziende, grazie all’e-commerce di arredamento. Inoltre, il cliente è assistito dalla progettazione degli ambienti fino al trasporto. Offre un ufficio per clienti aziendali, la possibilità di ordinare dall’estero – e quindi la spedizione internazionale, senza trascurare la garanzia soddisfatti o rimborsati.

Gioielli: Juwelo.it

Juwelo.it è frutto della passione di esperti nella lavorazione di gemme colorate e offre un’ampia selezione di gioielli e pietre preziose. Le televendite rappresentano un altro canale, oltre quello web, per acquistare prodotti di ottima qualità senza alcun intermediario: i gioielli esposti provengono da fonti fidate e sicure, difatti ognuno è accompagnato dal certificato riguardante la sua zona estrattiva. È possibile aggiungere una confezione regalo, ordinare dall’estero – quindi usufruire della spedizione internazionale. Si può pagare anche alla consegna, che è gratuita. La garanzia soddisfatti o rimborsati non è altro che la ciliegina sulla torta per acquisti sicuri e unici.

Trucco/bellezza: Pupa.it

Pupa.it, azienda milanese fondata nel 1976 che oggi esporta in 70 paesi nel mondo. È il makeup e la skincare delle nazionali italiane femminili di calcio e il suo colore rappresentativo, il rosso, esprime i valori fondamentali del marchio: passione, dinamismo, vitalità ed energia. I servizi offerti sono numerosi, quali la possibilità di aggiungere una confezione regalo, un biglietto di auguri gratuito e la consegna espressa, che diventa gratuita superati i 30 euro di spesa. Soddisfatti o rimborsati con Pupa.

Centro commerciale online: Amazon.it

Amazon.it nasce 27 anni fa nel garage del suo fondatore, Jeff Bezos. L’idea iniziale era quella di vendere libri in tutto il mondo, ma oggi Amazon è arrivato ad essere il negozio online globale di ogni cosa. Quotato in borsa dal 1997, già l’anno dopo è l’esempio più concreto di e-commerce al mondo e, come tale, offre numerosi servizi: la possibilità di aggiungere la confezione regalo e un biglietto di auguri, si può ordinare dappertutto e giovare della spedizione internazionale; è presente una funzione per nascondere il prezzo del prodotto e con la garanzia soddisfatti o rimborsati non si corrono rischi: il reso è gratuito e assicurato.

Profumo: Marionnaud.it

Dal 1972 Marionnaud.it, grazie al suo fondatore Bernard Marionnaud rappresenta un luogo in cui la bellezza è alla portata di tutti. Oggi presente in 11 paesi europei, conta oltre 1200 punti vendita e un e-commerce d’avanguardia con un’applicazione per smartphone dedicata. Il loro motto “share beauty, spread joy” (condividi la bellezza, diffondi gioia) accompagna una ricerca tra profumi, make-up, trattamenti per il viso e il corpo. Si può aggiungere una confezione regalo agli ordini, pagare alla consegna e aggiungere persino un biglietto personalizzato gratuitamente. La spedizione è gratuita per ordini superiori a 40 euro e si è sempre soddisfatti o rimborsati.

Animali domestici: Zooplus.it

Zooplus.it offre da oltre vent’anni più di 8.000 prodotti di qualità per animali domestici a prezzi bassi. Non avendo uno store fisico, l’azienda si concentra al 100% sulla comodità e i servizi offerti al cliente: si possono richiedere carte regalo, si può comodamente ordinare dall’estero con un click e beneficiare della spedizione internazionale. Se l’importo supera i 50 euro poi, è anche gratuita! Non si può che essere soddisfatti con un servizio del genere, ma in caso di dubbi o problemi è sempre possibile essere rimborsati.

Sport: Sportit

Sportit è un’idea della famiglia Colzani, che con un’esperienza di oltre quarant’anni, dal 2016 si propone di offrire a chi ama lo sport un negozio online dedicato al commercio digitale. Con vari punti vendita in Italia, la pluripremiata azienda ha come parole chiave l’autorevolezza, l’affidabilità e la competenza. La loro prima missione è offrire ai clienti i migliori prodotti per lo sport e per le loro passioni, puntando sempre alla massima soddisfazione con numerosi servizi: la spedizione internazionale e gratuita oltre i 40 euro, la possibilità di ordinare dall’estero e di aggiungere una confezione regalo, con la costante garanzia soddisfatti o rimborsati.

Parchi termali e acquatici: Gardaland.it

Gardaland.it è un parco divertimenti sulle sponde del Lago di Garda, la cui idea venne concepita nel 1975 da Livio Furini, prendendo spunto da una sua visita a Disneyland degli anni precedenti. Il parco è oggi la meta del divertimento n°1 in Italia e non solo: nel 2005 venne annoverato dalla rivista Forbes al quinto posto tra i migliori parchi divertimento al mondo. Infatti, si può ordinare da qualsiasi parte del mondo e i biglietti arriveranno via e-mail. Vi sono numerosi metodi di pagamento, il massimo per un’azienda “seriamente divertente”.

Bambini: Chegiochi.it

Chegiochi.it, il più grande sito web di giocattoli in Italia non poteva che vincere nella sua categoria. Qui troverete giocattoli delle migliori marche, da 0 a 99 anni. Si può cercare per fasce d’età. C’è la possibilità di aggiungere una confezione regalo, di ordinare dall’estero e di usufruire della spedizione internazionale e si può persino aggiungere un biglietto d’auguri gratuito. La consegna è espressa e o si è soddisfatti o si è rimborsati!

Orologi: Orologeriamajer.it

Orologeriamajer.it è una delle gioiellerie storiche di Torino e presenta una vasta gamma di orologi e gioielli delle migliori marche a prezzi vantaggiosi. Dal 1957 la loro missione è distinguersi con competenza, cortesia ed affidabilità, fondendo tradizione e innovazione. Offrono confezioni regalo, spedizioni internazionali e ordini dall’estero, un servizio di ritiro e la consegna gratuita per ordini superiori a 50 euro. Cosa chiedere di più?!

Vino: Wineshop.it

Wineshop.it è il riferimento online per tutti gli amanti del vino italiano, oltre ad essere la prima enoteca online italiana. Il sito è stato sviluppato da una società pluripremiata, fondata nel 1999, che si pone l’obiettivo di pubblicizzare piccoli produttori, definiti “artigiani del vino”, e di far apprezzare i loro prodotti. Solo i vini migliori, quelli che hanno superato il severo giudizio dei sommelier, vengono selezionati e inseriti a catalogo. È disponibile un ufficio clienti aziendali, una carta regalo, si può ordinare dall’estero e far consegnare in anonimo, internazionalmente e aggiungendo anche un biglietto d’auguri gratuito. Se non siete ancora soddisfatti non preoccupatevi, potrete in ogni caso essere rimborsati!

Beste Geschenke-Shops der Schweiz im 2022

Jedes Jahr wählen wir die besten Online-Geschenkeläden der Welt aus.

Wir haben über 5’000 Shops in 18 Kategorien in 50 Ländern analysiert. Unser methodisches Auswahlverfahren besteht aus Mindestanforderungen, die die Geschäfte erfüllen müssen, um sich zu qualifizieren. Einige der Hauptanforderungen sind, unter den Top-Suchergebnissen in Google im jeweiligen Land und in der jeweiligen Kategorie zu erscheinen. Der Shop muss im Land präsent sein und über einen funktionierenden Online-Shop verfügen, der ein Lieferservice anbietet. Schliesslich ist es wichtig, dass der Shop kundenfreundlich aufgebaut ist und eine E-Mail-Adresse hat, damit Kunden ihre Anfragen verfolgen können.

Da es für unser Team unmöglich ist, jeden einzelnen guten Shop der Welt zu erfassen, sind wir immer offen für neue Anwendungen. Dies bedeutet, dass ein Shop, der ursprünglich nicht von unserem Team ausgewählt wurde, beantragen kann, in unserer Auswahl zu erscheinen, wenn der Shop alle unsere Anforderungen erfüllt, indem dieser eine Premium- oder eine Golden-Mitgliedschaft kauft (klicken Sie hier, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten). Da wir eine Vielzahl von Shopgrössen (von multinationalen Unternehmen bis zu neuen kleinen Boutiquen) einbeziehen möchten, machen wir eine Ausnahme von der oben genannten ersten Anforderung (erscheinen in den Top-Suchergebnissen in Google) für neue Shops und Boutiquen, falls der Shop den Rest der Anforderungen erfüllt. Auf diese Weise stellen wir sicher, dass wir alle Arten Shops einbeziehen, und geben Neulingen die Möglichkeit, ihre Dienstleistungen anzubieten und für ihre neue Marke zu werben.

Online-Shops haben seit COVID-19 viel an Relevanz gewonnen. Laut einer in Nasdaq veröffentlichten Studie werden bis 2040 95% aller Einkäufe online getätigt. Die Anzahl der Online-Shops nimmt mit hoher Geschwindigkeit zu. Deshalb hat es Gala10.com zu seiner Hauptaufgabe gemacht, die besten Online-Shops auszuwählen, um die Suche nach Geschenken zu vereinfachen. Genau das haben wir auch dieses Jahr wieder gemacht. Wir haben die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen und Rückgabebedingungen durchgelesen und in Tausenden von Online-Shops Testkäufe getätigt, um die “Crème de la Crème” für unsere Benutzer auszuwählen. Unser Ziel ist es, unseren Nutzern Zeit bei der Suche nach einem Geschenk zu sparen.

Und der Preis geht an ….

Zusätzlich zu unserem regulären Auswahlverfahren sind wir bei dieser Auswahl noch einen Schritt weiter gegangen, da wir den Nr. 1 Shop in jeder der 18 Kategorien, die wir verwalten, auswählen wollten. In dieser Liste haben wir uns stark auf die Dienstleistungen konzentriert, die von den Geschäften angeboten werden. Je mehr Komfort der Shop bietet, desto bessere Platzierungen wird er haben. Wir bevorzugen online Shops die ein exklusives Bereich mit Geschenkideen haben und solche, die praktische Services anbieten, um ein perfektes Geschenk zu machen. Im spezifischen meinen wir Services wie Geschenkverpackungs-Services, Grusskarten oder die Möglichkeit, einen bestimmten Liefertag festzulegen (ideal für Geburtstage oder Jubiläen).

Also legen Sie Ihren Gürtel an, hier finden Sie unsere Auswahl der besten Online Geschenke Shops der Schweiz im Jahr 2022 pro Kategorie.

Bücher: Buchhaus.ch

Buchhaus.ch wird von der 1838 gegründeten Lüthy-Gruppe geführt und ist eine der ältesten Buchhandlungen der Schweiz. Heute ist es das grösste familiengeführte Buchhandelsunternehmen der Schweiz. Kunden können eine Geschenkkarte bestellen oder ein Geschenk in Geschenkpapier mit einer kostenlosen Grusskarte und kostenlosem Versand versenden. Der Shop nimmt Bestellungen aus dem Ausland entgegen und bietet Rechnungszahlung an. Es gibt auch eine eigene Abteilung für Firmenkunden.

Shockolade: Cailler.ch

Cailler.ch ist die älteste Schokoladenmarke der Schweiz. Es wurde im frühen 1800 gegründet und gehört seit 1929 zur Nestle Gruppe. Das Unternehmen verfügt über eine Schokoladenfabrik, ein Schokoladenmuseum und bietet Online-Workshops zur Zubereitung eigener Schokoladenkreationen an. Der Online-Shop bietet die Möglichkeit, Schokoladenkisten zu individualisieren, indem Sie ein persönliches Bild hochladen und eine persönliche Nachricht schreiben. Bei Bestellungen über sFr 40.- ist die Lieferung kostenlos. Es gibt auch eine Abteilung für Firmenkunden.

Zigarren: Zigarrenversand.ch

Zigarrenversand.ch verkauft seit 2009 online Zigarren und Zubehör. Zusätzlich zu den Qualitätskontrollen der Lieferanten führt der Shop auch eigene Qualitätskontrollen durch. Die Zigarren werden bei 70% relativer Luftfeuchtigkeit gelagert. Ihre Website bietet einen schönen Bereich mit Geschenkideen für jedes Budget. Für Bestellungen über sFr. 160.- ist die Lieferung kostenlos und Sie können auch mit Rechnung oder Twint bezahlen.

Kleidung/Mode: Manor.ch

Manor.ch wurde 1902 gegründet und verfügt über 59 Manor Kaufhäuser, 29 Manor Food Supermärkte und 27 Manora Restaurants. Ihr Online-Shop ist der einzige unter unseren bevorzugten in der Kategorie Kleidung / Mode, der Geschenkverpackung anbietet. Der Online-Shop bietet auch einen eigenen Bereich mit Geschenkideen. Zusätzlich können Bestellungen aus dem Ausland aufgegeben werden, eine kostenlose Grusskarte kann hinzugefügt werden und Sie können mit Rechnung bezahlen. Dieser Shop bietet ein hervorragendes Preis- / Leistungsverhältnis.

Electronik: Interdiscount.ch

Interdiscount.ch wurde 1970 gegründet und hat mit rund 200 Filialen das dichteste Filialen-Netzwerk im Heimelektronikmarkt der Schweiz. Wie der Name schon sagt, ist Interdiscount für seine wettbewerbsfähigen Preise bekannt. Der Shop bietet eine Lieferung am nächsten Tag an, wenn die Bestellung vor 20 Uhr aufgegeben wird. Und wenn eine Lieferung am nächsten Tag nicht möglich ist, gibt die Website an, an welchem ​​Datum das Produkt geliefert wird. Dies ist ideal, wenn Sie ein Geschenk für einen besonderen Anlass wie einen Geburtstag direkt an jemanden senden möchten. Es bietet Geschenkkarten sowie eine kostenlose Lieferung für Bestellungen über sFr. 50.-. Leider bietet keiner unserer bevorzugten Shops in der Kategorie Elektronik Geschenkverpackungen an.

Blumen: Fleurop.ch

Fleurop AG wurde 1908 gegründet und ist der weltweit führende Blumenvermittlungsshop. Die Aktionäre sind ausschließlich Partnerfloristen, die einen Blumenladen betreiben und den Fleurop-Dienst anbieten. Dies ist der einzige Blumenladen in unserer bevorzugten Liste, der eine Lieferung am selben Tag anbietet. Perfekt für Leute, die mit ihren Glückwünschen zum Geburtstag etwas spät dran sind! Der Shop bietet die Möglichkeit, aus dem Ausland zu bestellen und bietet Geschenkkarten und Grusskarten sowie die Zahlung per Rechnung an.

Haus und Hobby: Pfister.ch

Möbel Pfister AG wurde 1882 gegründet. Heute verfügt das Unternehmen über 18 Niederlassungen in allen Teilen der Schweiz und ist mit 40’000 Produkten, die online gekauft werden können, einer der grössten Online-Anbieter auf dem Schweizer Möbelmarkt. Der Online-Shop ist der einzige Online-Shop in unserer bevorzugten Liste in dieser Kategorie, in dem Kunden den gewünschten Liefertermin auswählen können. Diese Funktion ist sehr wichtig, wenn Sie ein Geschenk für einen besonderen Anlass wie einen Geburtstag oder ein Jubiläum senden möchten. Darüber hinaus bietet der Shop die Möglichkeit, eine Geschenkkarte, Click-and-Collect, Geld-zurück-Garantie und eine kostenlose Lieferung für Bestellungen über sFr 100.

Schmuck: Schmuck.ch

Schmuck.ch wird von Rhomberg geführt, einem 1984 gegründeten Schmuckunternehmen mit 27 Niederlassungen in der Schweiz. Der Shop hat eine tolle Auswahl an Geschenkideen auf seiner Shop-Website. Dieser Shop bietet die Möglichkeit, ein Geschenk in Geschenkpapier zu versenden und Geschenke mit einer persönlichen Nachricht zu kennzeichnen. Man kann eine Grusskarte hinzufügen und die Lieferung ist kostenlos.

Make-Up/Beauty: Thebodyshop.ch

Thebodyshop.ch ist ein britisches Unternehmen für Kosmetik, Hautpflege und Parfüm, das 1976 gegründet wurde. Das Unternehmen verfügt über eine Produktpalette von 1’000 Produkten, die in rund 3’000 Geschäften in 65 Ländern verkauft werden. Es war das erste Schweizer Unternehmen, das eine CO2-neutrale Zertifizierung erhalten hat. Der Online-Shop bietet auf seiner Website eine Vielzahl von Geschenkideen. Die Bestellung wird per Postpack Priority gesendet, was normalerweise eine Lieferzeit von 1-2 Tagen dauert, oder Sie können per click-and-collect die Waren selber abholen. Es ist möglich, eine Grusskarte kostenlos hinzuzufügen, eine Geschenkkarte zu bestelle. Für Bestellungen über sFr. 80 fallen keine Versandkosten an. Sie können mit Rechnung bezahlen.

Online Einkaufszentrum: Brack.ch

Brack.ch ist ein 1994 von Roland Brack gegründetes Online-Einkaufszentrum. Heute bietet der Shop über 200’000 Produkte von 4’700 Marken in 6 Kategorien an und zählt über 800 Mitarbeiter. Herr Brack ist auch aus der TV-Show “Die Höhle der Löwen Schweiz” bekannt. Der Shop bietet eine breite Palette kundenfreundlicher Dienstleistungen wie Geschenkverpackung, Grusskarten, Geschenkkarten, Auswahl des Liefertermins, kostenlose Lieferung und Zahlung in Raten oder mit Rechnung.

Parfüm: Impo.ch

Impo.ch wird von Import Parfumerie betrieben, einem 1976 gegründeten führenden Schweizer Anbieter von Prestige-Parfums und Kosmetik. Das Geschäft hat 110 Filialen in der Schweiz und verkauft Markenprodukte zu attraktiven Preisen mit kostenlosem Versand. Der Shop bietet eine Vielzahl praktischer Shop-Services wie die Möglichkeit, aus dem Ausland zu bestellen, click-and-collect und mit Rechnung oder Twint zu bezahlen.

Haustiere: Qualitpet

Qualipet.ch ist ein 1991 gegründetes Schweizer Familienunternehmen und der grösste spezialisierte Anbieter von Heimtierbedarf wie Katzenfutter, Hundefutter und anderem Tierzubehör in der Schweiz. Mit über 30’000 Produkten und unter dem Verband der Schweizer Tierhandlungen liefert dieser Shop eine breite Palette hochwertiger und zertifizierter Produkte. Der Shop bietet Geschenkkarten, die Möglichkeit, aus dem Ausland zu bestellen, kostenlose Lieferung für Bestellungen über sFr. 100 und Geld-zurück-Garantie.

Sport: Intersport.ch

Intersport.ch ist mit über 200 Filialen der grösste Verband von Sporteinzelhändlern in der Schweiz. Der Shop bietet kostenlose Lieferung für Bestellungen über sFr. 50 und kostenlose Rückgabe an, Geld-zurück-Garantie und Sie können mit Rechnung bezahlen.

Themen- und Wasserparks: Swissholidaypark.ch

Swissholidaypark.ch liegt oberhalb des Vierwaldstättersees in Morschach auf einem Hochplateau mit fantastischem Blick auf den Vierwaldstättersee und die Uri-Alpen. Es ist der grösste Ferien- und Erholungsort der Schweiz. Der Swiss Holiday Park ist eine einzigartige Urlaubswelt: 4 Unterkunftskategorien, eine Abenteuerfarm mit Reitschule für Kinder und spannende Indoor- und Outdoor-Aktivitäten wie Bowling, Klettern, Go-Kart, Minigolf und vieles mehr. Vier Restaurants bieten von Schweizer, internationaler und italienischer Küche bis hin zu Snacks. Kinderbetreuung und Babypflege werden täglich und mit altersgerechten Wochenprogrammen angeboten. Der Online-Shop bietet die Möglichkeit, eine Geschenkkarte zu kaufen und aus dem Ausland zu bestellen. Die Tickets werden per E-Mail oder per Post verschickt.

Kinder: Meinspielzeug.ch

Meinspielzeug.ch ist ein Online-Shop für Spielwaren mit über 30’000 Artikeln. Der Online-Shop verfügt über einen Suchfilter, mit dem Sie nach Geschenkideen nach Preisklasse und Thema suchen können. Es hat auch sehr schön gemachte Katalog und eine Liste empfohlener Spielzeuge. Jeder Artikel hat eine Altersempfehlung und eine Anzahl von Spielern. Der Shop bietet kostenlose Lieferung (in der Tat ist dies der einzige Kinderladen in unserer bevorzugten Liste, der kostenlose Lieferung ohne Mindestbestellwert bietet), Zahlung mit Rechnung und Geld-zurück-Garantie. Leider bietet es keine Geschenkverpackung an, aber fast keiner unserer bevorzugten Kinderläden bietet diesen Service mit Ausnahme eines Ladens an, aber auch nicht für alle Produkte.

Uhren: Uhrenschmuck24.ch

Uhrenschmuck24.ch wird von Christian Goldschmiede geführt, einem 1984 gegründeten Juweliergeschäft und einer der ältesten Zürcher Einzelhandelsketten der Uhren- und Schmuckindustrie. Der Shop hat 2 Filialen in Zürich und über 10’000 Modelle im Angebot. Die Website bietet einen klaren Überblick über die verschiedenen Uhrenkategorien. Und für Leute mit wenig Zeit gibt es ein ausgezeichnete hausinterne Suchmaschine, um die perfekte Uhr zu finden. Das Tool führt Sie durch Stile, Preis, Marke und weitere Parameter. Dies kann sehr hilfreich sein, wenn Sie ein Geschenk machen möchten. Der Online-Shop bietet kostenlose Lieferung, Geschenkverpackung, Geschenkkarten, Ratenzahlung mit 0% Finanzierungskosten und Geld-zurück-Garantie an.

Wein: Moevenpick-wein.ch

Moevenpick-wein.ch Mövenpick Wein ist einer der führenden Importeure und Lieferanten von Qualitätsweinen in der Schweiz und in Deutschland. Der erste Mövenpick-Weinkeller wurde in den 1950er Jahren in Zürich eröffnet. Mövenpick Wein verfügt nun über ein wachsendes Netzwerk von 35 Weinkellern in Deutschland und der Schweiz. Das umfassende Angebot an Qualitätsweinen umfasst mittlerweile 1’200 verschiedene Weine aus fast allen Ländern der Welt. Mövenpick ist bekannt für seine hochwertigen Produkte, nicht nur in Wein, sondern auch in den anderen Geschäftsbereichen Eis, Hotels und Restaurants. Der Erfolg des Unternehmens hat viel mit dem Firmenmotto zu tun: “Wir machen gewöhnliche Dinge auf außergewöhnliche Weise”. Der Online-Shop ist sehr gut strukturiert und verfügt über ein hervorragendes Segment für Geschenke, das Geschenkkarten, Geschenksets und -boxen, Accessoires und Gadgets umfasst. Zu den Geschenksets gehört eine schöne Holzkiste mit 2-3 Weinen aus verschiedenen Herkunftsländern. Der Shop bietet die Möglichkeit, aus dem Ausland zu bestellen, eine Geschenkverpackung und eine kostenlose Grusskarte hinzuzufügen sowie eine kostenlose Lieferung für Bestellungen über sFr. 300 und Click-and-Collect.

Les meilleures boutiques de cadeaux en France en 2022

Il est toujours difficile de choisir un cadeau qui plaise, et encore plus de choisir un point de vente pour l’acheter.  Il n’est pas étonnant que dans le contexte de la pandémie du Covid 19, vous choisissiez de faire vos courses et vos cadeaux en ligne. En achetant en ligne, vous évitez toute file d’attente et déplacement en magasin et gagnez donc beaucoup de temps.

 Les sites de ventes en ligne sont devenus de plus en plus facile d’utilisation, et offrent de plus en plus de services avantageux. L’expérience du consommateur en ligne est devenue plus agréable et bien plus pratique qu’un magasin classique.

Depuis 2019, La France est le deuxième marché de l’e-commerce en Europe. Dû à la pandémie, cette tendance s’est confirmée, et de nombreuses boutiques qui n’avaient pas de commerce en ligne en ont ouvert un, en plus du click and collect.

Notre mission est de vous guider vers les meilleures boutiques en ligne, toutes catégories confondues, toute l’année. Nous sommes actuellement le seul service en ligne francophone à vous proposer une recherche de boutique de cadeaux aussi précise. Nous vous proposons de filtrer les boutiques selon les services que vous recherchez dans chacune d’elles, sans même avoir à visiter leurs sites.

Nous mettons à jour continuellement notre moteur de recherche en y intégrant les meilleures boutiques du moment. Vous pouvez donc être sûr de trouver les boutiques les plus pertinentes pour vos recherches. L’inscription sur notre site est gratuite, et vous pouvez rechercher des boutiques dans le monde entier.

Au lieu de choisir une boutique en ligne au hasard par manque de temps, choisissez les meilleures boutiques en ligne grâce à notre sélection ci-dessous. Nous avons créé cette liste en nous basant sur des critères rigoureux et objectifs.

Ils suivent deux principes: la qualité générale de la boutique et tous les services qu’elles offrent en lien avec le fait d’offrir des cadeaux. De nombreuses boutiques offrent une sélection de produits très intéressants, mais ne proposent pas d’emballage cadeau par exemple. Nous avons fait en sorte de trouver les meilleures boutiques qui vous permettent d’offrir des cadeaux, et pas simplement des boutiques en ligne performantes.

Pour chaque boutique, nous avons donc vérifié le niveau de personnalisation disponible de votre commande. Nous avons recensé plus de 85 services différents, mais nous avons jugé que les suivants étaient les plus indispensables :

  • L’emballage cadeau: Ce point est crucial afin de pouvoir envoyer directement le cadeau chez une personne, même si elle est éloignée, sans avoir à commander au préalable le cadeau. Cette option est très pratique si vous souhaitez envoyer des cadeaux à des membres de votre famille vivant dans des villes éloignées de la vôtre.
  • L’ajout d’une carte de voeu: La carte de voeu est un élément toujours apprécié par la personne qui la reçoit. C’est quelque chose que l’on peut conserver contrairement à l’emballage cadeau. Cette carte cadeau vous laisse place pour vous exprimer. Recevoir un cadeau par courrier peut sembler impersonnel; la carte cadeau vient pallier cet effet en ajoutant une petite touche personnelle.
  • Possibilité de fixer un jour de livraison: Avoir des délais de livraison courts est idéal, mais ce qui est encore plus idéal est de pouvoir fixer exactement le jour de livraison de votre cadeau. Cela vous permet de transformer votre cadeau en véritable surprise. En ayant la possibilité de fixer un jour de livraison, vous pouvez envoyer un cadeau exactement le jour de l’anniversaire de quelqu’un, de Noël, ou de n’importe quelle fête rattachée à une date particulière.

Et le prix revient à….

Au lieu de créer un mini palmarès de boutiques générales, nous avons préféré proposer une sélection de boutiques spécialisées. De cette manière, vous aurez plus de facilité à naviguer sur les sites. Vous ne vous perdrez pas sur le type de cadeaux que vous voulez offrir, à travers les catégories de chaque site.

On espère que cette proposition de différentes catégories vous inspireront également, si vous n’êtes pas encore tout à fait sûr du choix de votre cadeau. Ces 18 catégories sont : livres, chocolats, électronique,fleurs, maison et loisirs, bijoux,  vêtement, maquillage beauté, centre commercial en ligne, animaux, sports, thèmes et parc aquatique, vins, et enfants.

Découvrez sans plus attendre les meilleures boutique de cadeaux en ligne 2022:

Cadeaux personnalisés : cadeaux-malin.fr

Le site cadeaux-malin a été créé en 2006, dans le but de proposer une sélection de cadeaux originaux complètement personnalisables au grand public. Leurs offres de personnalisation ne se limitent pas à l’impression de photos sur des objets ; vous pouvez aussi imprimer des messages sur des objets en tissu ou les faire graver sur du métal par exemple. Vous pouvez envoyer vos cadeaux déjà emballés, par livraison express et internationale.

Livres: viapresse.com

Via presse à été fondé en 1997. Il se positionne comme l’un des meilleurs magasins de vente de presse en ligne. Il fait partie du groupe Vialife SA, et propose plus de 800 journaux et magazines, dont 2000 offres d’abonnement différentes. Vous pouvez combiner des abonnements en ligne, ou sur papier.

Vous pouvez ajouter à votre commande une carte de vœux gratuitement, et faire emballer vos magazines pour les offrir plus facilement. De plus, la livraison est disponible internationalement. Cela vous permet de commander vos journaux depuis n’importe quel pays, dans la langue avec laquelle vous êtes le plus à l’aise.

Chocolats: jeff-de-bruges.com

Jeff de Bruges vous propose des chocolats, glacés, dragées de haute qualité depuis 1986. Leur cacao provient de leurs propres plantations équitables en Equateur, afin de participer au commerce éthique. Ils proposent de nombreuses gammes de chocolat, ainsi qu’une offre entièrement personnalisable de chocolat.

Si vous êtes en manque d’inspiration, vous pouvez également consulter leurs catégories ‘Idées cadeaux` afin de choisir des assortiments adaptés à chaque situation. Il existe de nombreuses boutiques dans toute la France, ce qui garantit une livraison des plus rapides et donc une qualité optimale des produits que vous commandez. Vous pouvez opter pour de beaux emballages cadeaux, ainsi que des offres spéciales pour les entreprises.

Vêtements / Mode: Camaieu.fr

Camaïeu est une des premières marques de vêtement française à adopter le modèle du fast fashion et du prêt à porter féminin. L’entreprise existe depuis 1984, et a depuis ouvert des boutiques partout en France. Leur collection éco responsable garantit un recyclage des matières, une réduction de l’eau utilisée pour la fabrication des habits ainsi qu’une utilisation de matières responsables.

 La livraison est assurée internationalement. Vous pouvez faire emballer vos cadeaux afin de les offrir et les faire livrer directement chez la personne à qui vous voulez faire plaisir.

Electronique: Ordissimo.fr

Ordissimo à été fondé en 2002, afin de proposer un modèle d’ordinateur le plus simple d’utilisation pour les débutants. Cette entreprise a depuis étendu son offre aux tablettes et aux smartphones. La simplicité et l’ergonomie est le maître d’ordre de cette entreprise, qui s’est dévoué à proposer des produits spécifiquement adaptés au bien-être des utilisateurs. Leur service client est réactif et efficace.

 Vous pouvez avoir des formations et des installations à domicile, ou même faire partie du Club Sérénité Ordissimo afin d’assurer la sauvegarde de vos données et d’avantages exclusifs. La livraison express est assurée dans toute la France.

Fleurs: Francefleurs.com

France fleurs existe depuis 1993. Cette entreprise familiale est passée de la grande distribution aux clients particuliers. Des millions de fleurs sont offertes chaque jour grâce à France Fleurs. France fleur vous propose d’emballer soigneusement vos commandes afin qu’elles produisent le plus grand effet.

 Vous pouvez choisir exactement la date de livraison, ce qui est particulièrement important pour la livraison de fleurs, si vous voulez signifier l’importance d’un jour particulier. Vous avez la possibilité de créer vos bouquets vous-même, ou alors de choisir des bouquets pré-faits dans les diverses collections proposées sur le site du commerçant. 

Maison et loisir : MaisonGodillot.com

Maison Godillot existe depuis 1882. Ce spécialiste des objets décoratifs propose des objets fait mains et en petite production, créés par des artisans passionnés. Vous pouvez effectuer des commandes depuis l’étranger, et la livraison express est disponible internationalement.

La livraison est gratuite pour les commandes supérieures à 60€, et vous pouvez faire appel à un service d’emballage cadeau afin d’offrir des objets de manière plus jolie. La boutique propose aussi l’option carte cadeau, afin de laisser plus de liberté de choix de cadeau.

Bijoux: Diamantor.fr

Diamantor est une entreprise familiale, transmise de père en fils. Cette maison de bijoux existe depuis plus cinquante ans, et crée des bijoux classiques et indémodables. Il existe 6 boutiques indépendantes en France, mais grâce au site en ligne vous pouvez commander des bijoux où que vous soyez.

La livraison est acceptée internationalement. L’emballage cadeau est offert, et vous pouvez aussi effectuer des livraisons express. Découvrez la catégorie idées cadeaux afin de trouver le cadeau idéal, quel que soit la personne à qui vous offrez votre cadeau. Diamantor propose aussi une carte spéciale proposant de nombreuses réductions.

Maquillage / Beauté: Coinmakeup.com

Coinmakeup est une boutique en ligne créée en 2019. Elle est la meilleure boutique de maquillage en ligne proposant un service d’emballage cadeau. Cette boutique en ligne vous propose une sélection des plus grandes marques de maquillage réunies sur un seul site, à un prix discount. Vous y trouverez tout types de maquillage, mais aussi des accessoires beauté pour le visage et les cheveux.

 La livraison est internationale, et ce qui vous permet de faire des commandes plus facilement. La section idée cadeau vous donnera de l’inspiration dans le choix du parfait cadeau également.

Centre commercial en ligne: Amazon.fr

Amazon est un des meilleurs centre commercial en ligne français, mais aussi mondial. Cette entreprise fondée en 1994 s’est imposée comme une des entreprises de commerce en ligne les plus importantes du marché. Sa sélection de produits est énorme, et son service de livraison est reconnu pour sa rapidité. Amazon vous propose un ensemble de services très complet : emballage cadeau, livraison internationale, express, carte de vœux et de nombreuses modalités de paiement différentes. Vous pouvez également choisir le jour exact de livraison afin d’en assurer la réception immédiate.

Parfum: Nocibe.fr

Nocibé a été fondé en 1984, afin de rendre les parfums et le maquillage plus accessibles aux femmes. Cette entreprise fait à présent partie du groupe Douglas, avec plus de 610 points de vente. Elle se positionne comme numéro un sur le marché de la parfumerie française.

La livraison est gratuite pour les commandes de plus de 60€ (donc pratiquement assurée pour les parfums). Nocibé propose aussi une livraison internationale, ainsi qu’une carte cadeau. Vous pouvez aussi facilement faire des cadeaux grâce au service d’emballage cadeau. Le site vous propose une catégorie idée cadeaux.

Animaux : Animalinboutique.fr

Animalin est une entreprise créée en 2005, spécialisée en éducation canine et en vente de produits pour chien : accessoires de dressage, jouets, nourriture, soins. Vous trouverez tout ce qu’il faut pour votre animal sur ce site.

 La livraison internationale est assurée, et vous pouvez aussi faire emballer vos cadeaux directement afin de ne pas perdre de temps. Grâce à l’équipe spécialisée, vous aurez les meilleurs conseils sur les produits mis en vente et sur comment prendre soin de votre animal.

Sports: Auvieuxcampeur.fr

Au vieux campeur est une chaîne de magasins fondée en 1941, proposant des articles d’activités extérieures. Ce magasin à pour réputation d’être gage de qualité. Au vieux campeur propose du matériel des meilleurs marques pour les sports de montagne ; allant du canyoning, ski, vélo, alpinisme, mais aussi pour la marche de tous les jours.

Le magasin propose aussi des guides et des cartes, afin de pouvoir visiter les plus beaux lieux de France en utilisant leurs articles. La boutique en ligne propose l’ajout d’une carte cadeau, et une livraison express. La livraison internationale n’est malheureusement pas disponible pour cette boutique.

Thème et parcs aquatiques: Franceminiature.fr

France miniature est un parc fondé en 1991 au concept unique : il vous propose de vous balader au milieu de répliques miniatures des plus grands monuments français. Une manière d’avoir l’impression de voyager autour de toute la France en quelques heures seulement. Sur le site vous retrouverez l’histoire de chaque monument, et des conseils pour préparer au mieux votre visite. Le parc se situe à Elancourt, dans l’ Yvelines. Vous pouvez commander votre ticket d’entrée depuis l’étranger, et le recevoir directement par mail.

Enfants: Joueclub.fr

Jouéclub existe depuis 1957. Cette entreprise de passionnés de jeux à développé son site web en 1997, et depuis s’est implanté avec succès dans le monde entier. Elle a été élue enseigne préférée des familles en 2019. Jouéclub propose énormément de catégories de jeux différentes, pour tous les âges.

Vous pouvez faire livrer des cadeaux directement chez les personnes que vous voulez, déjà emballées. L’option livraison express vous permet de faire des cadeaux à la dernière minute. Une carte cadeau est aussi disponible, afin de laisser la liberté de choisir à celui qui la possède.

Vin: Vinissimus.fr

Vinissimus à été créé en 2005, par un amoureux des grands vins Toni Vicent. Aujourd’hui plus de 4 700 000 bouteilles ont été vendues sur la plateforme. Vous pourrez découvrir de nouveaux vins dans les offres de la semaine ou alors vous dirigez directement vers les vins que vous connaissez déjà. Cette boutique de vin est la seule parmi nos préférées à proposer un emballage cadeau.

La livraison se fait internationalement, pour votre plus grand plaisir gustatif. La livraison est gratuite pour les commandes supérieures à 120€, et vous pouvez également ajouter gratuitement une carte de vœux personnalisée.

Best Gift Ideas For Women in 2022 (India)

Shopping for women can get really difficult, let’s be honest. Not because there isn’t enough choice, but there are too many! So how do you choose the perfect gift for the women in your life?

 We have rounded up the top 10 gifts that you can get for less than INR 3,500, all of which are perfect to say, “You are special” to the women in your life, whether it is your mother, your sister, your girlfriend, or perhaps even a dear friend.

These gifts are perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, other special occasions, or even if you wish to gift someone just for the heck of it! So, without further ado, here are the top 10 gift ideas for women that you can get for less than INR 3,500 in 2022:

1.   Chocolates And Flowers

Chocolates and flowers are a universal favorite amongst women, and you can never go wrong in this department. These gifts say you care. You can get the best chocolates and flowers at chocomantra.com and giftcart.com. Igp.com, which is a multi-category gifting platform, is great for both of these gifts as well.

This customized chocolate greeting available at chocomantra.com is an excellent way to send a customized message written in chocolate. This chocolate comes with a greeting card and a gift wrap option, which is excellent for special occasions. Chocomantra.com has been active since 2007 believes that chocolates work like a mantra, and we’re sure this customized chocolate greeting will do precisely that for your loved ones! Price: INR 499

 Giftcart.com is an online gifting company that has been around since 2012. This company offers various gift options, but these flowers are perhaps their most unique option. Take gifting flowers to a whole new level with these preserved roses that come in beautiful glass cases and last for almost 2-3 years! These flowers are a keeper (no pun intended) and can be gift wrapped as well. Price: INR 1,099

Chocolates are good gifts, and so are flowers. But a gift that has both? Nothing can beat that. Igp.com offers some of the best and most aesthetic chocolate bouquets you will ever find. This particular bouquet, the assorted roses, and Ferrero Rocher chocolates is a bouquet that comes in a vase and has ten stems of roses.

Igp.com, formerly known as IndianGiftsPortal.com, was founded in 1999 and is now India’s largest gift store offering gifts in several different categories. This particular vase that it offers has a same-day delivery option, which is perfect for last-minute gifting. It comes with a gift wrap option, a special message, and even a midnight delivery option for birthdays. Price: INR 1,945

2.   Fashion and Jewellery

It is no secret that women love their fashion and jewelry. But the challenge is to find high-quality gifts that are both in good taste and also pocket-friendly. Take a look at these fashion and jewelry gifts that we have rounded up for you from some of India’s best beauty and lifestyle stores.

Established in 2008, caratlane.com is India’s largest omni-chain jewelry store. They have exquisite jewelry to choose from, but these silver enamelled earrings take the cake. These earrings are uniquely handcrafted in 925 silver with a beautiful dull oxidised finish. Caratlane.com offers free gift wrap, a gift message, along with free and insured shipping! Price: INR 2,100

A little back dress goes with pretty much every occasion, and this is the secret that most women swear by. Faballey.com, a fashion and clothing store, was begun in 2012 to provide women with beautiful and affordable clothes. This black halter dress is a fit and flare type embellished at the neck. The embellishment at the neck gives this dress a classy look that your loved one is sure to adore! Price: INR 2,200

  • Faces Canada party-ready gift-box

Established in 2012, nykaa.com is one of India’s biggest beauty and lifestyle stores that offers all the popular make-up brands. This gift-box is a combo set containing two products, an intense matte lipstick that also doubles as a primer and comes in the Magnetic shade, as well as a kajal with a gel finish a built-in smudger to help your special someone create the perfect smokey eye. As it is a gift-box, it is entirely ready for gifting, and no extra gift wrapping is required! Price: INR 1,348

  • Fastrack Metal Watch

Founded in 1946, Fossil wristwatch swisstimehouse.com is one of India’s most trusted watch traders hosting dozens of famous national and international watch brands. And a classy wristwatch is just the right gift for your loved one, no matter the occasion. This Fastrack watch is an exquisite metal watch with a chic pink dial that is just the right mixture of classy and funky for the woman in your life. It comes with a 2-year warranty. Swisstimehouse.com even offers free delivery for this product. Price: INR 3,495

3.   Gifts For Kids And Pets

Women are loving and caring towards pretty much everyone in their loves. Women love creatures, and there is nothing in this world that they love more than their kids and pets. A new mother or pet parent will be hugely appreciative of any gift that shows them that you are also thinking of their kids and pets. Here are some adorable gifts you can pick out!

Kids love nothing more than to cuddle and hug soft toys. This huge cuddly panda by ttoys.com is 150 cm tall and comes with a cute green bow tied around its neck. This panda is sold by ttoys.in. It is a multi-brand toy retail chain that was established in 2015 that spread its presence pan India and offers some of the best bargains on popular national and international toy brands. This cuddly panda is available for express delivery (24 hours). Price: INR 2,699

Petshopindia.com is India’s first and largest online pet store that caters to all kinds of pets. It has a beautiful selection of dog beds which is perfect to be gifted a new pet parent. This crate pad by Dog Gone Smart comes in a bright cranberry color and is 19*24 inches inches. It is 100% organic cotton and bamboo fabric with biodegradable zippers. This bed is suitable for both adult dogs and puppies, so your loved ones and their pets would be able to enjoy this for years to come. You can also claim the coupon codes to get free shipping on this product. Price: INR 1,499

4.   Books

If the woman in your life is a bookworm, then gifting becomes a much easier task. Simply gift her a new book, and she will be happy to curl up with it in her little corner. Books make for wonderful gifts, but the question is, what book would you get?

Bookswagon.com is an online book store in India dedicated to providing customers with books at brilliantly discounted rates. Their box sets are an excellent gifting option, as it allows your loved ones to have all books from their favorite author in their bookshelf. This Paulo Coelho box set is a set of 10 super-hit books by the famous author. You can get free delivery for this product and a gift wrap option for an extra fee. Price: INR 2,999

5.   Cigars

It’s not just men who smoke cigars; some classy ladies smoke them too! It’s time for us to break out of stereotypes, and that can start right here, with this gift of cigars! If you have a friend or a girlfriend who loves to light one up, then we have the best cigar gift suggestion for you.

Foxcigars.in has been trading in some brilliant tobacco and smokers’ accessories ever since 1975. As smokers would agree, smoking accessories are sometimes the best gifts they would ever receive. This ashtray from Puffs and More not only has a sleek look, but this wooden ashtray has a classy carving on top of it as well. This ashtray is decorated with brass inlay and also has space to store cigarettes. Foxcigars.in offers free shipping on all products, as well as a gift wrap option complete with a bow ribbon! Price: INR 1,240

6.   Speakers

We all know that girl who loves music. If the woman in your life is just crazy over music, then why not gift her a set of speakers for her to blast her music from and is constantly blasting music through her old set of speakers, then why not gift her a new set of speakers for her enjoy her music? Here is our suggestion for the perfect set of speakers you can choose.

Croma is one of the most trusted electronics stores in the country. It is one of India’s largest electronics stores and has been operational ever since 2006. It is known for the quality of electronics that they sell, and the same goes for this brilliant set of portable Bluetooth speakers. This is a Phillips 1000 series 2.5 Watts portable speaker, black in color. This set of speakers is a perfect gift for your loved one who loves listening to music no matter where they go. Price: INR 3,499

7.   Wall décor

Everybody loves receiving gifts that they can show off, and wall décor is a gift that your loved one can display proudly to everyone who enters her home. Here is a quirky and fun piece of wall décor that you can gift to the women in your life.

This Bicycle wall accent is just the right blend of modern and vintage to lend a quirky and fun accent to the walls of your loved ones’ home. It is 91 cm long and comes in classy gold color. This bicycle wall accent is sold by hometown.in. It is India’s leading furniture store known for selling excellent home and wall décor products. Price: INR 2,995

8.   Sports shoes

Is your sister or girlfriend an athlete? Then gifting her some sports accessories is your best choice! And what better sports accessories can you get than running shoes?

Founded in 2012, Sportsjam.in is one of India’s leading online sports and fitness equipment stores. The Nike Downshifter 6 running shoes are one of the most sophisticated running shoes built with FluidRide and a Comfor-dry X-40 sock liner for extra comfort. These shoes come in a stunning combination of white and rose gold colors. Sportsjam.com offers free delivery on this product. Price: INR 2,795

9.   Vacation Resort

There is no better gift than the gift of time spent together. And this you can get by getting tickets to a retreat or a resort where you will be able to engage in all kinds of activities with your loved ones!

Wonder la is one of the most loved amusement parks in the country, not just by kids, but by adventure-loving adults as well. The best part is that this amusement park also has a beautiful resort where you can stay for a day. Your loved one will not only enjoy complimentary entry to the park for half a day, but also access to all the resort facilities!

Your loved one will not only enjoy complimentary breakfast and Wi-fi but all kinds of outdoor activities for a rejuvenating experience with nature! This package includes recreational activities, access to the gym, bar and restaurant with a dine-in facility and even a poolside candlit dinner. Price: INR 2,999

10. Fragrances

The power of smell is undeniable, and fragrances and perfumes make for exquisite gifts for your loved ones. Perfumes and fragrances are essentials for almost every woman these days, and thus, this would make the perfect gift for any occasion. Here is the best fragrance you can choose for the special woman in your life.

Deobazaar is a fragrance and grooming marketplace. They have an exclusive collection of deodorants and perfumes, such as this Elizabeth Arden perfume spray for women. This perfume pack is exceptionally budget-friendly. You can also add a free gifting card at checkout. Price: INR 2,112

Best Gift Ideas for Women in 2021 (USA)

With the online shopping industry in the United States growing exponentially, and with market analysts estimating 300 million online shoppers by 2023, (almost 91% of the entire country’s population!), your best bet to finding the perfect gift is definitely floating around on the world wide web.

As the pandemic changed the way people shop, online stores evolved too, offering multiple options to cover all spheres of the world of gifting. From daily necessities to luxury products, have it all gift-wrapped and delivered right to your doorstep.

Want to go the extra mile and show the special woman or women in your life how much you appreciate them? Here are 10 ideas for the best gifts under $100 for the special women in your life that they are sure to love!

1. Jewelry

Diamonds are a girl’s best friend. Hear that often? You can never go wrong with jewelry. From earrings to necklaces and brooches, jewelry makes a great gift for women. Minimal yet significant, your selection in jewelry can be customized to match exactly what you’re looking for. 

This 6.0mm Cushion-Cut Lab-Created White Sapphire Sunburst Frame Pendant in Sterling Silver is both dainty and timeless. Retailing at $99 on zales.com, this item can be gift wrapped and sent over to you with a free greeting card attached in no time with their express delivery service.

Don’t know if the recipient of your gift prefers earrings or necklaces? Send them a gift card and let them make the choice themselves. With their free delivery and pickup service via UPS, you have nothing to worry about. Their money-back guarantee ensures that you get the best experience possible.

Still confused about what to choose? Check out the gift section on their website and look up the different price brackets that are to your budget. This way, you have multiple options every step of the way.

2. Tote Bag

No matter the profession of the woman in question, a good durable bag is something everyone can use. From quick errands to the grocery store to their nail appointments and for work purposes too, tote bags are something that most women tend to carry because not only are they trendy, they’re also usually large enough to fit in all the paraphernalia that women tend to carry around.

With the classic felt tote bag from ballarddesigns.com, you’ve quite literally got both quality and style in the bag. This spacious tote is made from soft wool and features gusseted sides, double-sided leather strap handles, and a secret inside pocket. What’s more, you can add a custom monogram to your tote to give it a personalized signature touch.

Priced at $79, receive your tote bag before you know it with the express delivery option at checkout. With their money-back guarantee feature, there’s simply no reason why you shouldn’t explore this option.

Have some leftover budget? Throw all that extra cash on a gift card and have this whole gift package sent over to your special someone. With a free greeting card and gift wrap option made available, all you have to do is sit back and wait.

3. Chocolate Basket

Did you know chocolates are actually good for you? All the more reason to explore this option! And which woman doesn’t love chocolates? If you’re unsure about the kind of gift you’re looking for, the answer to your dilemma is chocolate.

With chocolate.org, you have a plethora of options to choose from. Want to send over a Gourmet or Seasonal Chocolate basket? Go right ahead. The gifting tab on this online chocolate store has more options than you can imagine!

The Thank You Chocolate Gift Basket on their website will surely melt the receiver’s heart. Priced at $49.50, this basket is filled with snack-sized candy bars that are perfect for the occasional post-lunch indulgence or work table munchie snack. Show your appreciation towards the women in your life with this 17″ x 13″ gift basket. From Skittles to Snickers, and everything in between you have the pick of the lot. Add a bouquet of roses from 1stinflowers.com priced at $39.99 and you are set to win hearts and smiles. What’s not to love about classic flowers and chocolate gifts?

For bulk orders, chocolate.org’s corporate client’s department is your right-hand man. They also accept orders from abroad and offer a money-back guarantee in case of discrepancies. With a variety of gateways available right from Visa to GPay, what you get is a seamless and hassle-free experience.

4.   Artwork

With the pandemic having made remote employees of us all, a little home office accessory update is always appreciated. From file organizers to paperweights, even the smallest of gifts can make the biggest difference. Women love organizing things so these gifts will no doubt impress.

With apt2b.com, you can explore high-quality options for your bestie’s new home office. If you’re looking for a gift for someone who spends their day working from their home office and is glued to their chair, a little something to brighten up their space can definitely boost their morale. The website features several art pieces to spruce up your home office. Their Tracie Andrews Frieda Kahlo priced at $98 painting is powerful, artistic, and motivating. This online store also has some fantastic storage and decor accessories ready to be put to good use. Alternately, send your best friend a gift card and let her make the choice herself! With their order from abroad and deliveryvia FedEx, UPS and USPS options, place your order instantly no matter where you are. Their sales section offers brilliant corporate client department services and money-back guarantee schemes too!

5. Fitbit Aria Air

Has your significant other recently started on a fitness journey? That’s quite commendable, and they sure do deserve a little encouragement. Fitness is a challenge for most and consistency is the key to overcoming this challenge. Let your loved ones know that you are cheering them on right through their fitness journey.

A progress tracker is a perfect gift for both, a new health enthusiast and a gym rat as well. It helps track your daily improvements and motivates you to meet your goals for the day. Available in white and black global, this scale helps draw a more complete picture of your health. Sync it with your phone or Fitbit tracker to map your progress, connect with friends and have fun with fitness together! Retailing at $49.99, roadrunnersports.com is the answer to all your fitness queries.

With a gift card option along with a money-back guarantee and free delivery options, this online store also accepts orders from abroad.

6. Apparel

A girl can never have enough clothes and shoes. With trends from yesteryears making comebacks, every piece is timeless. Who knows, a few years down the line our current wardrobes may be considered the ‘new vintage’.

Urbanoutfitters.com is one of the world’s most trusted clothing and accessories platforms. With tie-dye clothing taking the fashion world by storm, tie-dye dresses are very much in vogue. Priced at $82.27, this online website has just the styles to impress. Explore a ton of available tops, hoodies, sweatpants, dresses, skirts, and accessories too! Shop by budget and style and narrow your search down even further. Don’t forget to look into their mega deals section under the sales and offers tab for discounted pieces that are on sale.

If you’re indecisive about the style and fit, send your friend or loved one a gift card instead. Their order from abroad option coupled with international delivery helps get your gift to wherever it needs to be. This website also offers free delivery under USD50 with a pickup service alongside express delivery for urgent orders. Use their payment gateways to place your order and have the option of payment by installments too. With an ironclad money-back guarantee, you should fill that cart immediately.

7. Skincare Hamper

Do you hear your mum complain often about how dry and wrinkly her skin’s getting? While skin aging is a natural and inevitable phenomenon, there’s no reason why it can’t be slowed down. From cleansers to setting spray, every woman loves good quality skincare products.

With skinstore.com, all your skincare needs are well taken care of. Check out the different brands on their online store that offers a bevy of skin, hair, makeup, bath, and fragrance products. They also have a unique gift section to meet your budget and a special sales tab you should keep an eye out for! Their Exuviance AGE REVERSE Introductory Collection (Worth $109.00) which is priced at $84.00, will give your skin a youthful transformation while fighting all visible signs of skin aging. Formulated using potent and proven ingredients like Alpha Hydroxy and Polyhydroxy Acids, antioxidants, Retinol, etc. you are sure to see results.

Use this website’s order from abroad option and avail of their express delivery in case this is a last-minute gift. With free delivery for orders above USD50 and a money-back guarantee, you can go right ahead and get scrolling.

8. Books

The process of learning never stops. Books make the perfect gift for everyone. They’re always the right size, incredibly easy to wrap, and can be shared with others too! You can always go back to them and they sure are cheaper than a diamond necklace. Gifting a book to someone is a great way to pass on knowledge too.

Pick from among 175 million new and used books with alibris.com. Their 99 cent book collection allows you to send your loved one a whole year’s supply of books! Don’t forget to look up their gift ideas section to help you decide what might make a good gift. Explore different genres of books right from sci fi and adventure to cooking, romance, and philosophy. With books starting at prices as low as $0.99, you can go overboard with your purchase.

This online website also offers an order from abroad option with international delivery. Received a torn book? Their money-back guarantee will take care of all your issues.

9. Dinner set

If you’re looking for a gift for your neighbor’s house warming party, a dinner set is an incredible idea. One can always use a set of fancy dinner china for special occasions.

Jonathanadler.com is your one-stop-shop for all your home furnishing needs. From lighting to decor, art, and more; they have it all. Check out their 1948 Canape plate set for $98 that is sure to complement most color schemes and patterns perfectly. This chic porcelain dinnerware set is splattered with real gold. The perfect balance of timeless and modern, each piece of this set is dishwasher safe for up to 500 washes.

Want to give your new neighbor the liberty to pick what they like? This online website’s gift card option makes sure you can. Order from abroad and have your gifts sent over with their international delivery option. With express delivery options besides free delivery for orders above USD150, their money-back guarantee scheme assures high-quality products only.

10. Echo Dot

Alexa has become a household staple. From scheduling meetings to reading recipes and playing lullabies, Alexa can do it all. With a simple wi-fi connection, the Echo dot can be used to power your entire smart home. It is incredibly easy to set up and even more easy to use.

The internet’s favorite online mall amazon.com offers the best deals on almost everything. Their exclusive Echo Dot (3rd Gen) Smart speaker with Alexa in Charcoal with Sengled Bluetooth bulb retails for $49.98 and is the best addition to your home. Want to set an alarm or a reminder about putting a load of laundry in? Just tell Alexa!

This website offers to gift wrap, add a gift card and a free greeting card on your behalf. Set a delivery day and their international delivery and express delivery services will make sure that they are delivered well in time. Don’t like what you’ve received? Use their pickup service and keep an eye out for their money-back guarantee option too!

With gala10.com, you have centralized access to the world of gifting. Pick your country and the category you want to explore and just like that, more than half your work is done for you. Now all that remains is for you to take your pick and wait for that thank you card or call. When in doubt, always remember that if you can always count on someone to deliver, it is GALA10.com.

Best Gift Shops in UK in 2022

Online shopping is arguable one of the greatest inventions since sliced bread. One click of a button and the whole world is at your fingertips; from clothes to books, flowers to furniture, you can buy almost anything you could ever want via the Internet today.

The UK has one of the most advanced e-commerce markets within Europe. All e-commerce sales have thus far amounted to £693 billion, sharply rising since 2016. The retail sector is responsible for approximately 8% of all e-commerce sales and is forecast to grow exponentially due to the pandemic, which has pushed many business operations remotely. In 2020, 87% of UK households, therefore the vast majority, have bought online within the last 12 months, constituting the highest online purchase penetration rate in the country in the past 11 years. Clothing and sports goods were especially popular purchases made online.

In 2020, gifts became an extremely popular online purchase, particularly those that can be personalised. Digital gift card sales have soared by almost 50% in the last 12 months, due to the convenience, ease and speed this choice offers. As online shopping for gifts is becoming the preferred method of procurement, it’s only right that we provide the best options that our out there, within the UK market.

Our selection process

In addition to our regular selection process we went a step further for this selection since we wanted to choose the Nr. 1 shop in every of the 18 categories that we manage in gala10.com. We have focused on the services offered by the shops. The more convenient services the shop offers the better rankings it will have. We prefer shops that have a dedicated section with gift ideas and convenient services to make a perfect gift like gift wrapping services, greeting cards or the possibility to set a delivery day.

Here is a roundup of the best online gift shops in the UK for 2022, organised per category.

Books: Italianbookshop.co.uk

Italianbookshop.co.uk is owned by the ESB Group, which has online bookshops in many different countries, offering a wide range of cultural literature. They also offer courses for language learning. Customers can order set the delivery day and use multiple payment methods, including Paypal, Mastercard and even invoices. The shop accepts orders from abroad and offers international delivery.

Chocolates: Hotelchocolat.com

Hotelchocolat.com started selling chocolates online, becoming one of the UK’s earliest e-commerce businesses.  in 1993 first opened its doors in London in 2004, expanding to over 103 stores today. Hotel Chocolat launched their own restaurant, Rabot 1745, in 2013 to bring am Anglo-Saint Lucian dining experience to London.  The online shop offers the possibility to add gift wrap and gift cards to create thoughtful presents. International delivery is available, as well as a pick-up service. Additionally, a department for corporate clients is available for those requiring professional gifting. The gift ideas section on the website is a fantastic tool to provide gifting inspiration, with the opportunity to filter your search by occasion, recipient and customers can even purchase chocolate experiences for a truly exciting treat.

Cigars: Simplycigars.co.uk

Simplycigars.co.uk is one of the UK’s leading cigar specialists, offering a range of over 450 cigars, including Cuban Havana types. All Cuban cigars are aceuired through Habanos SA, controlling the cigars to assure the best quality. Simply Cigars are also a member of the Woodland Trust.  Their website offers free delivery for orders over £100, as well as a same day delivery option. Customers can order from abroad and choose to add a gift card at checkout. The Cigar Gifts tab provides excellent gifting ideas for a number of occasions, even highlighting to best-sellers in order to provide inspiration.

Clothing/Fashion: Zalando.co.uk

Zalando.co.uk was founded in 2008 and operates in 17 different European countries. The online shop offers free delivery, but orders must be over £20. Additionally, customers can purchase a gift card. This shop offers a great many different payment methods and a great money back guarantee.

Electronics: Cyberpowersystem.co.uk

Cyberpowersystem.co.uk was established in 1997 and is powered by leading systems from technology brands such as Intel, AMD, Nvidia and Asus. The shop offers free delivery as well as the possibility for international delivery. Additionally, customers can set the delivery date and time, or choose from a pick-up service. These options allow for great flexibility that will suit most people. Products are also customisable, allowing customers to add an individual touch to their purchases.

Flowers: Prestigeflowers.co.uk

Prestigeflowers.co.uk was founded in 2011 and prides themselves on their high levels of consumer satisfaction. All orders are backed with a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Prestigeflowers.co.uk have also engaged in charity work, including Barnardo’s and Cancer Research UK. The online shop offers the possibility for customization, so you can send a perfect bunch to a loved one. Customers have the possibility to add a free greeting card and set a delivery date. Orders from abroad are permitted. Their site allows customers to filter products by occasion, recipient and even next-day bunches, so customers are spilt for choice when searching for a floral gift.

House and Hobby: Jysk.co.uk

Jysk.co.uk was founded by Lars Larsen, Danish leading merchant, in 1979. Today the JYSK group has more than 2,800 stores across the world. Their website allows customers to order from abroad and accepts multiple card payment methods, including Visa and Mastercard. They offer a gift card, perfect to give to a loved one who’s looking to redecorate their home. JYSK also has a corporate clients department, suitable for those with office needs.

Jewellery:  Ernestjones.co.uk

Ernestjones.co.uk opened its first London store in 1949 and has grown to become one of Britain’s most reputable jewellers, with 180 stores nationwide. Firmly established as the UK’s leading watch and diamond specialist, Ernest Jones offers a variety of luxury products from some of the world’s most premium brands. The online shop offers the possibility to add gift wrap and a free greeting card to your order, giving customer’s the perfect opportunity to give a lovely gift. Orders from abroad are available, as well as international delivery. Delivery on orders above £100 is free, and Ernest Jones also offers free returns, as well as a money back guarantee if customers are not satisfied.

Make-Up/Beauty:  Cultbeauty.co.uk

Cultbeauty.co.uk is a British cosmetics company founded in 2007 by Jessica Moore and Alexia Inge. The founding principle is to offer beauty products that are worth the money and do not delivery empty promises. The gift section on the site is a great place to start. The online shop offers a wide range of beauty-based gift ideas on its website, with the possibility of adding gift wrap and a free greetings card to your order. Orders over £40 are free, and the website offers international delivery, as well as a pick-up service. Orders from abroad are possible, and returns are free.

Online Mall:  Libertylondon.com

Libertylondon.com is an online mall founded in 1854 by Arthur Lasenby Liberty. Most famously known for its bold floral fabrics and prints, Liberty London is one of the UK’s most prestigious, well-known luxury department stores.  The shop offers a wide range of customer friendly services such as gift wrapping, gift cards, free greetings cards, express delivery and a money back guarantee.

Perfume:  Theperfumeshop.com

Theperfumeshop.com is the UK’s largest specialist fragrance retailer with 255 stores across the UK & Ireland, founded in 1992. The shop has over 15,000 branches worldwide and sells luxury branded perfume at low prices with free delivery on order above £30. Orders are customisable, and customers have the opportunity to add gift wrap, to create a lovely present. The shop offers a variety of convenient shop services such as the possibility to order from abroad, international delivery and set delivery day. The gift section on the site allows customers to choose gift sets, that are pre-made and ready to be given – perfect for an easy but thoughtful gift.

Pets: Viovet.co.uk

Viovet.co.uk was founded in 2006 by Luke Cousins, son of a well-known, successful vet and veterinary nurse. Since then, the company has grown to employ over 60 staff members and was acquired by Ontario-based company Pethealth Inc in 2015.  VioVet offers a variety of pet and horse supplies, including prescription and non-prescription medications, food, toys and equipment. Viovet stocks many of the leading market brands, as well as own-branded products and supplements. Customers can set delivery date and time, and international delivery is also available.Additionally, the shop offers the possibility to order from abroadfree delivery for orders above £30 and a money back guarantee.

Sports: Startfitness.co.uk

Startfitness.co.uk was established in 1991 and founded by runners and fitness enthusiasts and has since become one of the largest fitness retailers in the UK. The shop allows customers to order from abroad and international delivery is available. Customers can purchase a gift card and a great money back guarantee is included for all products, ensuring the highest quality and satisfaction.

Theme and Waterparks: Adventurewonderland.co.uk

Adventurewonderland.co.uk  is a family theme park situated in the village of Hurn, near Bournemouth, United Kingdom. The park offers rides and attractions aimed at families with children up to the age of 12. Adventure Wonderland offers group bookings and birthday party, so that children can have an unforgettable celebration! The online shop offers the possibility to order from abroad, with a range of payment methods available, including Switch and Delta. The tickets are sent by email.

Kids: Mulberrybush.co.uk

Mulberrybush.co.uk is an established mail order company, founded in 1996, specialising in traditional and innovative toys, gifts and games for children up to the age of about 12. Mulberry Bush has toys to suit all young children and all pockets, with prices ranging from a couple of pounds to over £100. Our products are perfect for Christmas presents but are also the ideal gift for Birthdays and Christenings. The shop offers free delivery for orders over £80orders from abroad, international delivery and money back guarantee. The shop also offers gift wrap and a free greetings card, as well as offering the option to customize products.

Watches: Thewatchhut.co.uk

Thewatchhut.co.uk launched in November 2005 with the aim of selling branded watches at amazing prices. They have a policy of holding all items for sale in stock, which means means they can offer the highest customer service in comparison to their competitors. The Watch Hut are authorised UK stockists for leading brands including brands such as Tissot, Casio, U-Boat, Seiko, TAG Heuer and many more. The online shop offers free delivery for orders above £60gift wrapfree greetings cardsorders from abroad, free returns and money back guarantee. There is also a corporate clients department, which may be useful for professional instances.

Wine: Wanderlustwine.co.uk

Wanderlustwine.co.uk was founded in 2016 with the aim to import wines that customers couldn’t buy in the UK from small producers that the founder, Richard, had discovered on his travels. Wanderlust Wine source from Organic and Biodynamic certified vineyards and ensure the use of ecosystems to protect the vines, such as attracting beneficial insects to protect against the harmful ones. The online shop is professional yet authentic, offering gift wrap and a free greetings card to orders, to create the perfect gift for a wine-lover. Same day delivery is available, and delivery is free on orders over £100. There is also a corporate clients department, which is perfect for office events or gifts.

Online Shop Services in 2021 (USA)

When it comes to shop services, 75% of consumers surveyed on a study published by the national retail federation expect delivery to be free even on orders under $50, up from 68 percent a year ago. Baby boomers (born 1946-1964) demand free shipping the most, with 88 percent expecting it. That compares with 77 percent for Generation X (1965-1980), 61 percent for millennials (1981-1994) and 76 percent for Generation Z (1995 and later).

Free delivery is certainly important when sending a gift to a loved one or a client however there are other services which become more important when ordering a gift online like: gift wrapping, adding a greeting card, the possibility to deliver the product on a specific date and not showing the product price on the invoice. At gala10.com customers can find these and dozens more services offered by awarded online shops globally with only a few clicks. We have selected over 5,000 online shops in 50 countries identifying over 1,300 shop services.

Our dedicated team has selected in the USA 141 online shops in 18 categories. For more information about our selection process please click here.

We have grouped the shop services in six different categories: Client segmentProductOrderDeliveryPayment method and After-sales services. You can find a detailled explanation of all sub-categories of shop services we have identified here.

Let’s look at our main findings.

1. Client segment

28% of the surveyed shops have a dedicated department or person for corporate clients. Germany and Japan offer similar rates, therefore this is online the other major leading economies.

2. Product

The most common service offered by 34% of the surveyed shops are gift cards. US shops are leading the way when compared to Germany and Japan. According to Globenewswire historically, the gift card market in the United States has recorded a steady growth with an average growth rate of 11.7% p.a. during 2015-2019. Adoption of e-Gift cards is also expected to increase significantly. The gift card industry in United States will continue to grow over the forecast period and is expected to record a growth rate of 9.2% p.a. during 2020-2024. The gift card market in the country will increase from US$ 163,000 million in 2019 to reach US$ 221,000 million by 2024.

US shops are leading the way as well with free greeting cards. 34% of the surveyed shops offer a free greeting card. Compared to German and Japanese shops this is 30-50% higher.

However when it comes to offering wrapping paper, which is very important when ordering a gift, only 14% of US shops offer this service. Compared to 40% in Japan, USA is (together with Germany) lagging far behind.

US shops don’t seem to see a demand of professional and more expensive greeting cards with only 3% offering them. Even less important seems to be the possibility to personalize gifts by uploading a picture (or logo for companies) with only 1% of shops offering this service. This fact seems to be in contrast with the statistics mentioned at the beginning of this study. A possible explanation can be found in the fact hat personalized gifts are offered by new, less traditional shops, that can’t be categorized well in our 18 categories. Some of these shops are Cafepress Inc, Etsy, Memorable Gifts, Hallmark Cards, etc. Hence, these new shops stay out of the radar in our study.

3. Order

US shops are absolutely leading when offering their products to customers that offer from abroad. 81% of the surveyed shops accept orders from customers that have an address outside of the USA. This is not surprising since the US is the largest private market in the world with approx. 15% of immigrants and as the major economy of the world.

4. Delivery

18% of shops in the USA offer free delivery and 12% offer free delivery for orders above USD 50. At a first glims one would have expected a higher percentage of shops delivering for free, specially if it is well know that customers want free delivery. However one must be clear about the profitability of its products. You cannot offer competitive prices and free delivery at the same time. However, as low as 18% might seem, it is on the top of the surveyed shops compared to Germany (13%) and Japan (11%).

If you want your gift to be delivered for a birthday for example only 20% of the surveyed shops will be able to meet your expectations. While 54% of all shops will be able to deliver your gift within 1-2 days you won’t be sure if it will arrive on the exact day of the birthday. However, US shops offer a unique service which is only offered in very few countries which is ideal for gifting: “don’t show product price”. This service allows you to send a gift with an invoice containing all details of the product but without showing the purchase price. And if you are late with your gift wishes, there is only a 7% of all surveyed shops that offer same day delivery, so it’s better if you plan when order your gift (believe me that even your mom will appreciate it if the gift arrives timely for her birthday or mothers day).

5. Payment Methods

As in basically all countries credit cards and specially Visa/Mastercards are the most commonly offered payment methods by online shops in the USA followed by PayPal. Compared to Europe, in the USA people are more used to pay by instalments (21% offered by the surveyed shops) instead of paying with an invoice. In fact, none of the surveyed shops offers payment with invoice.

6. After sales services

Almost 80% of surveyed shops offer money back guarantee which is the highest rate among leading economies like Germany and Japan. However only 5% of shops offer free return which is the lowest rate among the leading economies.

The perfect gift

If you are wondering what is the perfect gift for the next occasion and you want to send a gift in wrapping paper, with a personal message and deliver it on the exact date of the occasion you might be best served with flowers, a gift basket or wine. You will find a few shops in these categories that offer all of these services.

Online Shop Services in 2021 (Switzerland)

According to Carpathia the 5 largest online shops of Switzerland (stand 2018) are:

  1. Digitec.ch (sFr. 690 Mio sales in 2017)
  2. Zalando.ch (sFr. 685 Mio sales in 2017)
  3. Amazon.de (sFr. 575 Mio sales in 2017)
  4. Nespresso.com (sFr. 350 Mio sales in 2017))
  5. Brack.ch (sFr. 283 Mio sales in 2017)

It’s surprising to see that Nespresso belongs to the top 5 online shops. It seems that Swiss don’t only love chocolates but coffee as well. From the top 5 shops there are two foreign companies: Zalando (from Germany) and Amazon (from the USA). On the 6th place is Aliexpress (from China). Half of the top 6 online shops in Switzerland are foreign. That is still astonishing but less surprising since Switzerland is an interesting market for foreign companies. According to a study published by CBRE, Switzerland has – together with Liechtenstein – the largest purchasing power in Europe. While an average person from Zurich needs to work 4.7 days to buy a new Iphone X, an average person from Munich needs 10.1 days and an average person from Beijing needs to work 39.3 days.

Despite having the highest purchasing power, the Swiss prefer to pay with invoice. 78% of Swiss pay with invoice and 16% with credit card. This is probably due to a merely cash management reason since Swiss prefer to pay when they get their salary on the account. Swiss don’t like to have debts, therefore the credit card is used only in rare cases.

At Gala10.com we select every year the best online gift shops worldwide. We have selected over 5,000 online shops in 50 countries identifying over 1,300 shop services.

Our dedicated team has selected in Switzerland 169 online shops in 18 categories. For more information about our selection process please click here.

We have grouped the shop services in six different categories: Client segment, Product, Order, Delivery, Payment method and After-sales services. You can find a detailled explanation of all sub-categories of shop services we have identified here.

Let’s deep dive into the results of our analysis.

1. Client segment

In the client segment we have identified which online shops have a dedicated department for corporate clients. In Switzerland 18% of the analyzed shops offer such a department.

2. Product

Under product we have categorized all services that a customer can add when ordering a product. The most common services are 1. Gift card (36%), 2. Add a free greeting card (14%), 3. Add a gift wrap (13%) and 4. Add a greeting card (chargeable) (7%). Only 4% of the analyzed shops offers the possibility to label a personal message on the product and 1% offers the option to upload a logo or picture to the product. Mostly all flower shops offer customization of products, meaning that customers can add additional products to the order.

3. Order

36% of all Swiss shops accept orders from abroad. For such an international country this figure seems to be small. Maybe Swiss shops are loosing the opportunity to capture international customers.

4. Delivery

Free delivery is by far the most common service with 35% of Swiss online shops offering it. 13% of shops offer free delivery for orders above sFr. 100 and 8% offer free delivery for orders above sFr. 80%.

while 20% offer Post priority (one day delivery time with exception from weekends) and 16% Post express delivery (same day or by next morning) for an extra cost. Only 3% of Swiss online shops offer delivery on a specific day. This service is ideal for celebrations such as birthdays or anniversaries.

5. Payment methods

As we noted before, paying with invoice is the most preferred payment method by Swiss customers. However only 62% of the analyzed Swiss shops offer this payment method. In contrary almost 100% of shops offer payment with credit card followed by 63% Paypal. Only 11% of Swiss shops offer the possibility to pay in instalments.

6. After sales services

61% of all online shops offer money back guarantee, which is a pretty high ratio and stands for the high quality service Swiss shops strive to offer. In contrary, only 8% of Swiss shops offer a free return service. Only shop with a high volume of orders and returning customers can offer this service and stay profitable.

The perfect gift

When we think about which are the most important services a customer might need when sending a gift to a loved one or a client then we come up with following services: Add a greeting card (for free or chargeable), add a gift wrap, can be labeled with a personal message, select a delivery day or same day delivery. The perfect gift would be a one that is wrapped in a beautiful gift paper (for the wow-effect), with a personalized greeting card that arrives on the celebration occasion day (like birthday or mothers day) and has on top a gift with a personalized message. It comes out that sending a giftbasket will cover most of your expectations.