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Todo Pago
Serving temperature of this wine is between 16º and 18º C, aging potential 6 years. Decant for an hour before drinking it. Store in a cool, dark place without vibrations. Ideal to accompany some crispy lemon gizzards, with yamani rice and vegetable wok.
Serving temperature of this wine is between 16º and 18º C, aging potential 4 years. Decant for an hour before drinking it. Store in a cool, dark place without vibrations. Ideal to accompany one Pinchos de Llama with potatoes a la huancaina.
Serving temperature for this wine is between 8º and 10º C, Aging potential for one year. Store in a cool, dark place without vibrations. Ideal to accompany a stewed Hare and amaranth.
Serving temperature for this wine is between 16º and 18º C, Aging potential for 4 years. Store in a cool, dark place without vibrations. Ideal to accompany desserts or salads
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